Ancient rocks provide clues to Earth’s early history

Oxygen in the form of the oxygen molecule (O2), produced by plants and vital for animals, is thankfully abundant in Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Researchers studying the history of O2 on Earth, however, know that it was relatively scarce for much of our planet’s 4.6 billion-year existence.

So when and where did O2 begin to build up on Earth?

By studying ancient rocks, researchers have determined that sometime between 2.5 and 2.3 billion years ago, Earth underwent what scientists call the “Great Oxidation Event” or “GOE” for short. O2 first accumulated in Earth’s atmosphere at this time and has been present ever since.

Through numerous studies in this field of research, however, evidence has emerged that there were minor amounts of O2 in small areas of Earth’s ancient shallow oceans before the GOE. And in a study published recently in the journal Nature Geoscience, a research team led by scientists at Arizona State University (ASU) has provided compelling evidence for significant ocean oxygenation before the GOE, on a larger scale and to greater depths than previously recognized.

For this study, the team targeted a set of 2.5 billion-year-old marine sedimentary rocks from Western Australia known as the Mt. McRae Shale. “These rocks were perfect for our study because they were shown previously to have been deposited during an anomalous oxygenation episode before the Great Oxidation Event,” says lead author Chadlin Ostrander of ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration.

Shales are sedimentary rocks that were, at some time in Earth’s past, deposited on the sea floor of ancient oceans. In some cases, these shales contain the chemical fingerprints of the ancient oceans they were deposited in.

For this research, Ostrander dissolved shale samples and separated elements of interest in a clean lab, then measured isotopic compositions on a mass spectrometer. This process was completed with the help of co-authors Sune Nielsen at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Massachusetts); Jeremy Owens at Florida State University; Brian Kendall at the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada); scientists Gwyneth Gordon and Stephen Romaniello of ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration; and Ariel Anbar of ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration and School of Molecular Sciences. Data collection took over a year and utilized facilities at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Florida State University, and ASU.

Using mass spectrometers, the team measured the thallium and molybdenum isotope compositions of the Mt. McRae Shale. This was the first time both isotope systems had been measured in the same set of shale samples. As hypothesized, a predictable thallium and molybdenum isotope pattern emerged, indicating that manganese oxide minerals were being buried in the sea floor over large regions of the ancient ocean. For this burial to occur, O2 needed to have been present all the way down to the sea floor 2.5 billion-years-ago.

These findings improve scientists’ understanding of Earth’s ocean oxygenation history. Accumulation of O2 was probably not restricted to small portions of the surface ocean prior to the GOE. More likely, O2 accumulation extended over large regions of the ocean and extended far into the ocean’s depths. In some of these areas, O2 accumulation seems to have even extended all the way down to the sea floor.

“Our discovery forces us to re-think the initial oxygenation of Earth,” states Ostrander. “Many lines of evidence suggest that O2 started to accumulate in Earth’s atmosphere after about 2.5 billion years ago during the GOE. However, it is now apparent that Earth’s initial oxygenation is a story rooted in the ocean. O2 probably accumulated in Earth’s oceans — to significant levels, according to our data — well before doing so in the atmosphere.”

“Now that we know when and where O2 began to build up, the next question is why” says ASU President’s Professor and co-author Anbar. “We think that bacteria that produce O2 were thriving in the oceans long before O2 began to build up in the atmosphere. What changed to cause that build-up? That’s what we’re working on next.”

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Materials provided by Arizona State University. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

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Old stars live longer than we thought

Towards the end of their lives some 95% of stars evolve into red giants which lose their mass via a “stellar wind.” Eventually they end up as planetary nebulae, ionized gas with a central hot star, a white dwarf.

Researchers form 14 European scientific institutions, among them the IAC, have detected the existence of a binary interaction which had not been noticed by the scientific community. This new research offers an alternative explanation to the high rates of mass loss which it was thought were present towards the end of the lives of the most massive giant stars.

The study, which is published today in the journal Nature Astronomy, show that these stars lose mass at a much slower rate than previously thought. The stellar wind is not stronger than usual, but it is affected by a companion star which had not been noticed until now, a second star orbiting around the red giant. The fact that this process is slower than expected has a major impact on our understanding of how stars end their lives. As a consequence of this discovery we find that the most massive giant star need a longer time to expel their chemically rich interiors into their environment, which affects the enrichment of the interstellar medium, and therefore the chemical evolution of galaxies.

The only observatory which could provide detailed information about the disconcerting superwind in the last phase of the lives of the most massive stars is ALMA (Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array), in the Atacama desert (Chile).”The data show a spiral structure which show that these stars are not individual have a binary companion” explains Anibal García Hernández, a researcher at the IAC and at the ULL, a co-author of the article. He adds “The interaction with its companion gives rise to a rather complex morphology, in the form of an incomplete spiral. Previous data lacked the spatial resolution and the sensitivity given by ALMA and did not allow astronomers to find the characteristics associated with a binary star”

The interpretation of the ALMA observations has shown in a convincing way that the last evolutionary phase of these old stars is not characterized by a short-lived “extreme superwind” but rather by a “normal wind” which lasts much longer. In other words “old stars take longer to die” or as a slogan “old stars live longer.”

Now the scientific community will see if the existence of a binary companion could explain the behaviour of other particular red giants. “We thought that many stars lived alone, but we will probably have to change our ideas” explains Leen Decin, the first author on the article, who is a Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain. She concludes “It is probable that a star with a binary companion is more common than we had thought.”

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Materials provided by Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

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It’s all in the twist: Physicists stack 2D materials at angles to trap particles

Future technologies based on the principles of quantum mechanics could revolutionize information technology. But to realize the devices of tomorrow, today’s physicists must develop precise and reliable platforms to trap and manipulate quantum-mechanical particles.

In a paper published Feb. 25 in the journal Nature, a team of physicists from the University of Washington, the University of Hong Kong, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee, report that they have developed a new system to trap individual excitons. These are bound pairs of electrons and their associated positive charges, known as holes, which can be produced when semiconductors absorb light. Excitons are promising candidates for developing new quantum technologies that could revolutionize the computation and communications fields.

The team, led by Xiaodong Xu, the UW’s Boeing Distinguished Professor of both physics and materials science and engineering, worked with two single-layered 2D semiconductors, molybdenum diselenide and tungsten diselenide, which have similar honeycomb-like arrangements of atoms in a single plane. When the researchers placed these 2D materials together, a small twist between the two layers created a “superlattice” structure known as a moiré pattern — a periodic geometric pattern when viewed from above. The researchers found that, at temperatures just a few degrees above absolute zero, this moiré pattern created a nanoscale-level textured landscape, similar to the dimples on the surface of a golf ball, which can trap excitons in place like eggs in an egg carton. Their system could form the basis of a novel experimental platform for monitoring excitons with precision and potentially developing new quantum technologies, said Xu, who is also a faculty researcher with the UW’s Clean Energy Institute.

Excitons are exciting candidates for communication and computer technologies because they interact with photons — single packets, or quanta, of light — in ways that change both exciton and photon properties. An exciton can be produced when a semiconductor absorbs a photon. The exciton also can later transform back into a photon. But when an exciton is first produced, it can inherit some specific properties from the individual photon, such as spin. These properties can then be manipulated by researchers, such as changing the spin direction with a magnetic field. When the exciton again becomes a photon, the photon retains information about how the exciton properties changed over its short life — typically, about a hundred nanoseconds for these excitons — in the semiconductor.

In order to utilize individual excitons’ “information-recording” properties in any technological application, researchers need a system to trap single excitons. The moiré pattern achieves this requirement. Without it, the tiny excitons, which are thought to be less than 2 nanometers in diameter, could diffuse anywhere in the sample — making it impossible to track individual excitons and the information they possess. While scientists had previously developed complex and sensitive approaches to trap several excitons close to one another, the moiré pattern developed by the UW-led team is essentially a naturally formed 2D array that can trap hundreds of excitons, if not more, with each acting as a quantum dot, a first in quantum physics.

A unique and groundbreaking feature of this system is that the properties of these traps, and thus the excitons, can be controlled by a twist. When the researchers changed the rotation angle between the two different 2D semiconductors, they observed different optical properties in excitons. For example, excitons in samples with twist angles of zero and 60 degrees displayed strikingly different magnetic moments, as well as different helicities of polarized light emission. After examining multiple samples, the researchers were able to identify these twist angle variations as “fingerprints” of excitons trapped in a moiré pattern.

In the future, the researchers hope to systematically study the effects of small twist angle variations, which can finely tune the spacing between the exciton traps — the egg carton dimples. Scientists could set the moiré pattern wavelength large enough to probe excitons in isolation or small enough that excitons are placed closely together and could “talk” to one another. This first-of-its-kind level of precision may let scientists probe the quantum-mechanical properties of excitons as they interact, which could foster the development of groundbreaking technologies, said Xu.

“In principle, these moiré potentials could function as arrays of homogenous quantum dots,” said Xu. “This artificial quantum platform is a very exciting system for exerting precision control over excitons — with engineered interaction effects and possible topological properties, which could lead to new types of devices based on the new physics.”

“The future is very rosy,” Xu added.

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Materials provided by University of Washington. Original written by James Urton. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Share Button | Among rich nations, US has highest rate of fatal drug ODs

It’s a ranking that no country would want to have: A new study shows America has taken the lead in drug overdose deaths, with rates almost four times higher than in 17 other wealthy nations.

Drug overdose deaths in the United States have more than tripled over the past 20 years, driven largely by the opioid epidemic, the researchers noted.

Drug overdose epidemic

In 2017, more than 70 000 Americans died from drug overdoses. According to the National Safety Council, more Americans are likely to die from an opioid overdose than a car crash.

“The United States is experiencing a drug overdose epidemic of unprecedented magnitude, not only judging by its own history, but also compared to the experiences of other high-income countries,” said study author Jessica Ho. She’s an assistant professor at the University of Southern California’s Leonard Davis School of Gerontology.

“For over a decade now, the United States has had the highest drug overdose mortality among its peer countries,” Ho said in a university news release.

In fact, drug deaths in the United States are more than 27 times higher than in Italy and Japan, which have the lowest rates, and are double the rates of Finland and Sweden, the countries with the next highest death rates.

Drug overdose deaths have also affected life expectancy. In 2013, drug overdoses made up 12% of the life expectancy gap among men and 8% among women between the United States and other high-income countries.

Commercial hyping of painkiller

If it weren’t for drug overdose deaths, the life expectancy gap would have been much smaller between 2003 and 2013, the researchers added.

“On average, Americans are living 2.6 fewer years than people in other high-income countries. This puts the United States more than a decade behind the life expectancy levels achieved by other high-income countries,” Ho said.

The researchers said the epidemic is being driven by factors that include fee-for-service reimbursement systems and linking doctors’ pay to patient satisfaction.

Other factors include commercial hyping of the opioid painkiller OxyContin (oxycodone), American attitudes about pain and medicine, and the lack of substance abuse treatment. In the United States, only about 10% of addicts receive treatment, the researchers noted.

While America leads in overdose deaths, increases in overdose deaths are starting to crop up in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, Ho noted.

A common challenge

Australia has seen a 14-fold increase in oxycodone use between 1997 and 2008, and Ontario, Canada, saw an 850% increase in oxycodone use between 1991 and 2007. These increases have resulted in many more overdose deaths in both nations, the study showed.

Although the American opioid epidemic started with prescription drugs, it is now becoming an epidemic of heroin and fentanyl, which is also affecting other countries.

“The use of prescription opioids and synthetic drugs like fentanyl are becoming increasingly common in many high-income countries and constitute a common challenge to be confronted by these countries,” Ho said.

For the study, Ho and colleagues used data from the Human Mortality Database and the World Health Organization Mortality Database for 18 countries, along with data from vital statistics agencies in Canada and the United States.

The report was published in the journal Population and Development Review.

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Share Button | As our lifestyles become more sedentary, unfit teen boys find themselves at real risk of chronic illness

Teen boys who are unfit and/or obese have higher odds for chronic disease and disability as adults, according to a large Swedish study.

Researchers followed more than 1 million boys for an average of 28 years, starting when they were 16 to 19 years of age.

Those who were inactive, obese or both as teens were more likely to receive medical disability pensions as adults. The pensions are granted in some countries to working-aged adults who are unable to work due to chronic illness or injury.

“Cardiorespiratory fitness and obesity already in adolescence is strongly related to later health,” said lead researcher Pontus Henriksson, a registered dietitian at the Karolinska Institute in Huddinge, Sweden.

His team cautioned that this study does not prove that being unfit or obese as a teenager causes disabilities in adulthood, only that the two appear to be related.

Less fit than before

This association, however, is important because many teens are less fit and weigh more than previous generations, Henriksson said.

The study also provides more evidence for the relevance of fitness and obesity in adolescence as markers of future health.

Morbidly obese men were at greatest risk, the study found.

Henriksson and his colleagues also found that compared with being unfit, being moderately or highly fit was related to a reduced risk for disability, whether one was obese or not.

Common disabilities associated with poor fitness included muscle problems and debilitating injuries, nervous system diseases, circulatory problems and tumors, as well as mental problems, researchers found.

“We need to increase our efforts to promote physical activity and prevent obesity starting in childhood,” Henriksson said.

Never too early to exercise

Dr David Katz, director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center in New Haven, Connecticut, reviewed the findings.

“In preventive medicine, we routinely point out that it’s never too late to do something to protect your health,” he said. “This paper reminds us that it’s never too early, either.”

And while this study only showed an association between early inactivity and later disability, abundant evidence suggests this pattern is causal, Katz said.

Being active and managing weight can be a healthy activity that parents and kids can share, he pointed out.

“Parents and children not yet committed to pursuing health together have every reason to make the switch,” Katz said.

“We all want the people we love to be healthy and vital. Parents can help their kids get there and kids can help their parents. Health, like love, is for sharing,” he noted.

The report was published on February 11 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

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NHS child gender reassignment ‘too quick’

A former governor of the Tavistock Centre calls for more “external oversight” of the clinic.

Share Button | It’s survival of the fastest sperm, and a woman’s body decides who the winners are

In the race to conception, the female body is set up to separate weak sperm from strong, researchers report.

A woman’s reproductive system presents a veritable obstacle course that stress-tests sperm, making sure that only the strongest swimmers have a chance of reaching a woman’s egg, according to a new study.

Narrow gate-like passages within the female reproductive tract force competing sperm to barge their way through, ensuring that weak and less viable sperm are left behind, the researchers explained.

“It’s survival of the fastest swimmers,” said Dr Harry Fisch, a clinical professor of urology and reproductive medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. Fisch was not involved in the study.

“The ones that are swimming properly and… can make it through the openings of the female reproductive system are the ones with the best chance of fertilization,” he explained.

This new knowledge will help couples struggling to conceive a baby, either by giving natural conception a boost or by improving the process of in vitro fertilisation, reproductive medicine experts said.

Sperm count has been an ongoing focus of reproductive medicine, but doctors haven’t been sure which of three main features is most important, Fisch said.

Doctors evaluating sperm look at concentration (the number of sperm), morphology (the shape of the sperm), and motility (the percentage of sperm that are swimming), Fisch said.

Emphasis on sperm motility

To aid conception, doctors first focused on sperm concentration, counting the number of sperm in a man’s ejaculate, Fisch said.

“After that, the shape of the sperm was thought to be critical,” Fisch said. “The shape of the sperm had to be a certain oval, a certain length and width, no defect. We thought that was even more critical than sperm concentration.”

The new study indicates that doctors have not placed enough emphasis on sperm motility, Fisch said.

“We see so many sperm in our practices that don’t swim too much. They swim a little bit and we think it’s probably fine,” Fisch said. “This gives you information that, for natural conception, motility is more important than we thought.”

For this study, researchers at Cornell University created a device that replicated the fluid mechanical properties of microscopically narrow junctions inside the female reproductive tract. They call them “strictures.”

The investigators found that sperm from both humans and bulls tended to collect at strictures. At that point, fluid mechanics sorts the sperm out, with slower swimming sperm swept back while faster swimmers continue to press forward.

Both human and bull sperm moved in a butterfly-shaped path along the stricture entrance, and only sperm able to achieve a certain speed appear able to maintain a path that would help them continue along the reproductive tract.

Could improve IVF

“In nature, when you start off in a normal setting of 60 to 100 million sperm trying to achieve fertilisation with one egg, millions of years of evolution have fine-tuned a system that seems to give us the most optimal outcomes,” said Dr Natan Bar-Chama, director of the Center of Male Reproductive Health at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York. He’s also an associate professor with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City.

Fisch said that the information gained from this lab experiment could improve lab-assisted reproduction by keeping it as natural as possible.

To give a male partner’s sperm a better chance, doctors might inject it farther up into the female reproductive tract, Fisch said. That would provide a short-cut past the strictures, while still providing for some competition between sperm in their quest for the egg.

Doctors also could “wash” the sperm as a means of improving their swimming strength, Fisch noted.

“You take the ejaculate and you remove the fluid around it and put it in different fluid, so the sperm can move better,” Fisch said. “That’s done every day, but this could lead us to more research into better ways of enhancing sperm movement.”

These findings also could improve in vitro fertilisation, Bar-Chama added.

Currently, doctors pick any sperm and inject it into an egg, he said. By subjecting the sperm to a rigorous test of the sort used in this experiment, a fertility expert would be able to choose from the strongest sperm.

“When we have these powerful technologies that bypass natural reproduction, we still would like to optimize filtration and selection, and potentially this type of research advances that,” Bar-Chama said.

The findings were published on February 13 in Science Advances.

This video below, supplied by the research team, shows sperms’ trajectories as tracked in the study.

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