Tories Accused Of Breaking Pre-Election Rules Over Prison Terror Crackdown

Labour have accused the Tories of breaking strict pre-election rules by preparing to announce a crackdown on terrorism in prison.

Justice secretary Dominic Raab is on Wednesday expected to unveil the government’s response to a report by Jonathan Hall QC, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation.

According to The Times, Raab will announce that existing laws are to be strengthened to make it easier for convicted terrorists to be separated from the rest of the prison population.

He is also expected to introduce tougher measures to allow acts of terror inside prison to be punished more severely.

But Labour say the announcement has been timed to “deflect attention” from the partygate scandal.

Shadow justice secretary Steve Reed has written to Simon Case, the cabinet secretary, to ask whether rules banning major government announcements in the run-up to elections have been broken.

Voters across the country will go to the polls for the local elections on May 5.

The letter, seen by HuffPost UK, says: “The issuing of fixed penalty notices to the prime minister, the chancellor and other officials has shone a light on the government’s record on crime and an announcement such as this one could be perceived as an attempt to deflect attention away from these issues one week away from crucial local elections.

“Please will you confirm what consideration was given regarding the timing of this announcement, in line with guidance provided to all civil servants, including special advisers, and what specific advice was offered?”

Reed said: “This soft-on-crime Conservative government is trying to deflect from its own criminality.

“Bungling Dominic Raab has been sat on this crucial report for six months, yet it’s only now, when the prime minister is mired in the partygate scandal and the Tory-made cost of living crisis, that his department issues its response to rampant radicalisation in prisons.

“The lord chancellor needs to tell the victims of terror offenders why it has taken him so long to take radicalisation in jails seriously.”

A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said: “All announcements are made in accordance with government guidance.”

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Six Terror Plots Foiled In UK During Pandemic, MI5 Chief Reveals

Handout . via Reuters

MI5 Director General Ken McCallum has revealed details about thwarted attacks on UK soil

The head of the UK’s security service has revealed that six “late stage” terror plots were foiled during the coronavirus pandemic. 

MI5′s director general Ken McCallum said in the last four years the organisation has disrupted 31 attack plots in Britain.

He told the BBC’s Today programme: “That number includes mainly Islamist attack plots but also a growing number of attack plots from right wing terrorists.”

He said the covid crisis had not diminished the threat, adding: “Even during the pandemic period which we have all been enduring for the past two years, we have had to disrupt six late-stage attack plots.

“So, the terrorist threat to the UK, I am sorry to say is a real and enduring thing.”

Asked if there will be a terror attack while he leads the organisation, he replied: “Of course there are likely to be terrorist attacks on UK soil on my watch. We wish it were not so.”

He also said the UK faces a “consistent global struggle” to defeat extremism, as part of an interview marking the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attack. 

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Donald Trump Suggests Osama Bin Laden Wasn’t That Big A Deal, Says He Only Had ‘One Hit’

With just weeks to go before the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, former US President Donald Trump suggested the man behind them, Osama bin Laden, wasn’t that bad and only had “one hit.”

Trump made the callous and false comment during an interview about the crisis in Afghanistan on conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt’s show Thursday morning.

After trashing President Joe Biden’s handling of the US withdrawal from the country, Trump bragged about two terror chiefs killed under his own administration: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

He claimed that both men were much bigger targets than bin Laden, who was killed in 2011 under former President Barack Obama’s leadership.

“Now, just so you understand, Soleimani is bigger by many, many times than Osama bin Laden,” Trump said. “The founder of ISIS is bigger by many, many times, al-Baghdadi, than Osama bin Laden.” 

“Osama bin Laden had one hit, and it was a bad one, in New York City, the World Trade Center,” Trump said, ignoring Bin Laden’s other deadly attacks. “But these other two guys were monsters. They were monsters.”

“And I kept saying for years, why aren’t they getting them? For years, I said it,” Trump continued. “I got them. The press doesn’t talk about it. They don’t talk about it because they don’t want to talk about it.”

Bin Laden was a founder of al-Qaeda and the mastermind behind multiple mass-casualty terror attacks, including the 1998 US embassy bombings that killed more than 200 people and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 US Navy sailors. He also oversaw the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center towers and Pentagon that killed nearly 3,000 people.

The former president also blustered that he “got 100%” of ISIS.

“ISIS is tougher than the Taliban, and nastier than the Taliban. And ISIS was watching, and then they were, they didn’t exist anymore,” he said.

At least 12 US troops and 60 Afghans are dead after two suicide bombers and gunmen attacked crowds at the Kabul airport on Thursday. The Pentagon believes the attack was carried out by an Islamic State offshoot group, named ISIS-K.

Trump has repeatedly railed against Biden over his handling of Afghanistan since it was overthrown by Taliban insurgents, even though Trump cut a peace deal with the Taliban last year that included a withdrawal of US troops by May 1 and the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters.

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Jack Merritt ‘Would Be Livid’ His Death Has Been Used ‘To Further Hate’, Says Father

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London Bridge Terror Attack: Second Victim Named As 23-Year-Old Saskia Jones

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