The Strange Reason Behind Why Pilots Are Almost Always Clean-Shaven

Have you ever wondered why pilots don’t tend to have beards? Well, me neither, but when you think about it, have you ever seen a pilot sporting a big bushy beard?

Weird, right?

It’ll differ from airline to airline but for the UK’s biggest airline, British Airways, this is the rule pertaining to hair: “Men’s hair must meet a conventional style which is appropriate for a professional environment; shaven or sculptured styles and long hair are not permitted.

“Dyed hair must be of a natural colour for both men and women.”

Of course, this is in part due to appearance, especially on an airline as prestigious as British Airways but according to experts, it’s also a crucial matter of safety.

Why pilots do not tend to have beards

According to Wayman Aviation Academy, the most crucial thing on airlines is passenger and staff safety, which isn’t all that surprising.

What is surprising, though, is that beards can actually compromise the safety of pilots in the instance of an emergency.

Wayman Aviation explained: “In emergency situations, pilots must don oxygen masks quickly and efficiently. Facial hair can disrupt the tight seal necessary between the mask and the face, potentially compromising the flow of oxygen.

“This is critical at high altitudes where oxygen levels are low. Ensuring a proper seal can be the difference between life and death, making the clean-shaven rule a non-negotiable aspect of airline safety protocols.”

Additionally, in a 1987 safety review of masks and facial hair found that facial hair really can impact the efficacy of masks.

The report read: “The data resulting from these tests indicated that decrement in performance does occur when facial hair is present along the sealing surface of crew oxygen masks.

“This decrement is proportional to the amount of facial hair present, the type mask worn, the suspension system associated with the mask, and the exercise level to which the individual is subjected.”

It’s probably not worth it, to be honest.

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UK Travellers Urged To Avoid Doing 1 Very Common Departure Lounge Habit

Departure lounges in airports are, at the best of times, incredibly dull and if your flight is delayed, you may find yourself cycling through apps on your phone, grasping at straws for entertainment and distraction.

Of course, this drains your battery and what is the first thing you do when you see that all-important battery running down? Look for an outlet to plug your phone into.

Now, personally, I never travel without at least two charged battery packs but less anxious people tend to find USB ports in airport lounges which may seem handy but according to multiple UK airlines, you shouldn’t be so readily using these outlets.

Why you should never charge your phone in the airport

Travel expert Megan who shares travel tips on advice on her YouTube channel Portable Professional said: “Using an airport USB to charge your devices can expose you to a scam called ‘juice jacking’. This happens when public USB ports are manipulated to steal data from your devices that are connected to them.”

Cool, cool, cool.

Instead, Megan advises using a travel adapter for your plugs.

She said: “Using an adapter allows you to safely connect to outlets. Unlike USB ports, AC outlets are purely for power and they don’t transfer data, ensuring there is no risk to your personal information while it’s charging.

“Navigating airport layovers with multiple devices can be tricky, and a big mistake that travellers make is not having a plan to keep all of their devices charged.”

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Pay special attention to #8 if you are checking a bag at the airport or taking an international flight. \n\nDon’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for weekly tips & hacks:\n\nMy Recommended TSA-FRIENDLY Snacks for the Plane:\n\n✈️ TRAVEL RESOURCES\nBest Travel Insurance for Seniors:\nTop rated VPN for Travel (only $3!):\nBest Value Luggage (discount code: Megan15):\nIncredible Tour Deals:\nMost Affordable Travel Insurance:\nTop-rated E-Sim to Use Phone Internationally:\nMy Go-To Travel Clothing:\nMy Most-Loved Travel Gear on Amazon:\nFree Travel Hack Newsletter:\nFree eBook with my Top Travel Hacks:\n\n🌎 WATCH NEXT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWelcome to Portable Professional, where I, Megan, use my experience from over 300 flights to offer you simple, practical and game-changing travel tips and hacks. Our mission is to help you reduce stress and make the most of every trip.\n\nDon’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for weekly tips & hacks:\n\n🐶 Chapters\n00:00 Introduction\n00:13 Check this at the gate!\n00:45 Iphone travel hack\n01:47 Must-have for flight\n02:41 Wear THIS (not THAT!)\n03:51 Do before boarding (or regret it!)\n04:41 Food & drink rules\n05:07 Plane charger warning\n06:14 Luggage mistake\n06:39 Essential boarding documents\n07:25 Mobile ticket tip\n07:57 Gate checked luggage \n08:31 Gate check vs. checked bag\n08:53 Personal item packing tip\n09:27 Don’t rush this…\n\n\nAffiliate Disclosure: This content contains affiliate links. We may receive compensation at no additional cost to you if you click through and make a purchase. Thank you for your support!\n#UnboundMerino","options":{"_cc_load_policy":{"label":"Closed captions","value":false},"_end":{"label":"End on","placeholder":"ex.: 11, 1m10s","value":""},"_start":{"label":"Start from","placeholder":"ex.: 11, 1m10s","value":""},"click_to_play":{"label":"Hold load & play until clicked","value":false}},"provider_name":"YouTube","thumbnail_height":720,"thumbnail_url":"","thumbnail_width":1280,"title":"8 Things to NEVER do at the Airport Before Boarding a Flight","type":"video","url":"","version":"1.0"},"flags":[],"enhancements":{},"fullBleed":false,"options":{"theme":"life","device":"desktop","editionInfo":{"id":"uk","name":"U.K.","link":"","locale":"en_GB"},"originalEdition":"uk","slideshowAd":{"scriptTags":[],"otherHtml":""},"slideshowEndCard":{"scriptTags":[],"otherHtml":""},"isMapi":false,"isAmp":false,"isVideoEntry":false,"isEntry":true,"isMt":false,"entryId":"666ada04e4b0dabf8cf68fe9","entryPermalink":"","entryTagsList":"travel,safety","sectionSlug":"lifestyle","deptSlug":null,"sectionRedirectUrl":null,"subcategories":"","isWide":false,"headerOverride":null,"noVideoAds":false,"disableFloat":false,"isNative":false,"commercialVideo":{"provider":"custom","site_and_category":"","package":null},"isHighline":false,"vidibleConfigValues":{"cid":"60afc140cf94592c45d7390c","disabledWithMapiEntries":false,"overrides":{"all":"60b8e525cdd90620331baaf4"},"whitelisted":["56c5f12ee4b03a39c93c9439","56c6056ee4b01f2b7e1b5f35","59bfee7f9e451049f87f550b","5acccbaac269d609ef44c529","570278d2e4b070ff77b98217","57027b4be4b070ff77b98d5c","56fe95c4e4b0041c4242016b","570279cfe4b06d08e3629954","5ba9e8821c2e65639162ccf1","5bcd9904821576674bc55ced","5d076ca127f25f504327c72e","5b35266b158f855373e28256","5ebac2e8abddfb04f877dff2","60b8e525cdd90620331baaf4","60b64354b171b7444beaff4d","60d0d8e09340d7032ad0fb1a","60d0d90f9340d7032ad0fbeb","60d0d9949340d7032ad0fed3","60d0d9f99340d7032ad10113","60d0daa69340d7032ad104cf","60d0de02b627221e9d819408"],"playlists":{"default":"57bc306888d2ff1a7f6b5579","news":"56c6dbcee4b04edee8beb49c","politics":"56c6dbcee4b04edee8beb49c","entertainment":"56c6e7f2e4b0983aa64c60fc","tech":"56c6f70ae4b043c5bdcaebf9","parents":"56cc65c2e4b0239099455b42","lifestyle":"56cc66a9e4b01f81ef94e98c"},"playerUpdates":{"56c6056ee4b01f2b7e1b5f35":"60b8e525cdd90620331baaf4","56c5f12ee4b03a39c93c9439":"60d0d8e09340d7032ad0fb1a","59bfee7f9e451049f87f550b":"60d0d90f9340d7032ad0fbeb","5acccbaac269d609ef44c529":"60d0d9949340d7032ad0fed3","5bcd9904821576674bc55ced":"60d0d9f99340d7032ad10113","5d076ca127f25f504327c72e":"60d0daa69340d7032ad104cf","5ebac2e8abddfb04f877dff2":"60d0de02b627221e9d819408"}},"connatixConfigValues":{"defaultPlayer":"8b034f64-513c-4987-b16f-42d6008f7feb","clickToPlayPlayer":"5a777b9b-81fe-41a6-8302-59e9953ee8a2","videoPagePlayer":"19654b65-409c-4b38-90db-80cbdea02cf4"},"topConnatixThumnbailSrc":"","customAmpComponents":[],"ampAssetsUrl":"","videoTraits":null,"positionInUnitCounts":{"buzz_head":{"count":0},"buzz_body":{"count":0},"buzz_bottom":{"count":0}},"positionInSubUnitCounts":{"article_body":{"count":7},"blog_summary":{"count":0},"before_you_go_slideshow":{"count":0}},"connatixCountsHelper":{"count":0},"buzzfeedTracking":{"context_page_id":"666ada04e4b0dabf8cf68fe9","context_page_type":"buzz","destination":"huffpost","mode":"desktop","page_edition":"en-uk"},"tags":[{"name":"travel","slug":"travel","links":{"relativeLink":"news/travel","permalink":"","mobileWebLink":""},"section":{"title":"Life","slug":"lifestyle"},"topic":{"title":"Travel","slug":"travel","overridesSectionLabel":false},"url":""},{"name":"safety","slug":"safety","links":{"relativeLink":"news/safety","permalink":"","mobileWebLink":""},"url":""}],"isLiveblogLive":null,"cetUnit":"buzz_body","bodyAds":["

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How to keep your information safe when travelling

According to the National Security Alliance, these are the steps we must take to keep our information safe while travelling: “Back up your data and make sure your software is updated.

“Use complex, unique, and long passwords for every account, along with multi-factor authentication (MFA). Use a password manager to generate, maintain, and store your strong passwords! Secure every device with a password and MFA.”

Stay safe out there!

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