Emma Stone Reveals Why She Suspects Leonardo DiCaprio Thinks She’s ‘A Little Weird’

While Emma Stone is a Hollywood legend in her own right, it’s good to know she’s as goofy around other big stars as we would be. 

The La La Land actor has said she is convinced Leonardo DiCaprio thinks she’s “a little weird” after her behaviour around him. 

Emma is a self-confessed Leo super fan, and described meeting the Titanic star when he presented her with her Oscar in 2017 as “the most surreal moment of my life”. 


Emma Stone and Leonardo DiCaprio

“I was like, I’d seen Titanic seven and a half times in theatres. He was the love of my life,” Emma told SiriusXM’s Jess Cagle

“I had a picture of him in my bedroom that was signed, that I had gotten for my birthday when I was like 12 years old and I was walking to Leo. I was like, this is officially the most surreal moment of my life. I could not believe it.”

Emma, who won the Best Actress Academy Award for her role in La La Land, continued: “I think he probably thinks I’m like a little weird, cause whenever I see him, I’m kind of like, ‘Hey, how’s it going?’ You know, just in little moments when you’re at the same event or something. He’s very sweet though.”

MARK RALSTON via Getty Images

Leo presented Emma with her Oscar for Best Actress in 2017 

Asked to expand on what Leo is like IRL, Emma continued: “He’s very tall and he’s so lovely.

“It doesn’t really seem fair because then it’s like putting someone in a place that like no human beings should really be in that kind of place,” she said. “That’s silly—like nobody’s any different than anybody.” 

However, Emma added that to her, Leo will always be his heartthrob character from Titanic.

“He’s stuck in my head as Jack Dawson. He just always will be,” she said. 

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