Robert Jenrick Called Out For False ‘Asylum Shoppers’ Claim

Robert Jenrick has been called out by Krishnan Guru-Murthy for falsely claiming the United Nations refugee convention dictates that migrants have to seek sanctuary in the first ‘safe’ country they arrive in.

The immigration minister quickly backpedaled and said it was a “key principle” the government supported as the journalist refused to let the politician off the hook.

It came as Jenrick was grilled over the Archbishop of Canterbury’s stinging criticism of the government’s crackdown on asylum seekers under the illegal migration bill.

Jenrick was pulled up on Channel 4 News as he said that those crossing the Channel from France were “essentially asylum shoppers”.

Here’s the exchange (plus clip below):

Robert Jenrick: “If somebody originated from a place of danger, like Afghanistan, the vast majority of those people coming across on small boats are coming from France, and they are choosing to come to the UK for whatever reason.”

Krishnan Guru-Murthy: “As is their right.”

RJ: “They are essentially asylum shoppers.”

KGM: “It is their right to apply for asylum anywhere, they are asylum seekers, not asylum shoppers.”

RJ: “The convention says people should seek asylum in the first safe country.”

KGM: “No, it doesn’t. Where does it say that?”

RJ: “We are prioritising people in a place of danger rather than people who are in a place of safety like France.”

KGM: “That is not true. That is not true. The refugee convention does not say that you must seek sanctuary in the first safe country.”

RJ: “The refugee convention does encourage people to do that.”

KGM: “It does not say you must seek sanctuary in the first safe country, which you just said. That is not true.”

RJ: “That’s a key principle that we support as a government.”

KGM: “OK, but it’s not in the refugee convention.”

RJ: “We don’t think it’s right that if you’re in a safe country like France, that you should be coming to the UK. That’s creating a fundamental unfairness.”

KGM: “That’s the government’s position, it’s not in the refugee convention.”

The claim has been repeatedly rejected.

Amnesty International has said: “There is no rule requiring refugees to claim in the first safe country in which they arrive.”

The Full Fact site has also said: “The UN refugee convention does not make this requirement of refugees, and UK case law supports this interpretation. Refugees can legitimately make a claim for asylum in the UK after passing through other ‘safe’ countries.”

And a House of Commons briefing paper from February this year states: “The UK government’s position is that refugees should claim asylum in the first safe country they reach. The UN Refugee Agency says this is not required by the refugee convention or international law.”

In 2021, Tory MP Jonathan Gullis was schooled by an immigration expert after asking why asylum seekers choose to come to the UK in a clip that has gone viral many times since.

The former minister quizzed Zoe Gardner over the number of refugees seeking to settle in Britain after fleeing their homeland.

But he was told the international asylum system would “crumble” if countries refused to accept immigrants and expected other countries to take them instead.

The pair clashed in 2021 as Gardner appeared before parliament’s nationality and borders bill committee.

In the clip, Gullis, the MP for Stoke-on-Trent North, asks Gardner: “If these people out in Calais are legitimate refugees, why are they not claiming asylum in France, Italy, Spain or Greece? Why do they need to come to the United Kingdom?

Gardner replies: “As I’m sure you’ll be aware … the vast majority of people who seek asylum worldwide, firstly, 86% of refugees and displaced people worldwide, remain in the country neighbouring the one they have fled.

“So, 86% of people remain in developing countries.

“France received three times as many asylum applications as we did last year. People stop as soon as they feel safe.

″But the people who are making their way to England and who specifically wish to the UK, do so because they have ties to this country either because they have served with out military in the case of people from Afghanistan, or have family members, or speak the language because of our colonial history and have other ties of kinship and history here.

″So there are people who have legitimate ties to the UK and there is no good reason why they should particularly have their claims assessed in France if they do not wish to.

“It doesn’t really work for us to say to the French, ‘given that we’re geographically located slightly to the west of you, none of these refugees are our responsibility and they’re all on you’ because France can say the same thing and then Italy can say the same thing, and then the entire international refugee protection system will crumble.”

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Tory Minister’s Defence Of Coronation Policing Based On ‘Imaginary Things’

A government minister has been accused of relying on “imaginary things” while defending the heavily-criticised policing of the coronation.

Neil O’Brien was questioned by Krishnan Guru-Murthy on Channel 4 News after an outcry over the arrest of anti-monarchy campaigners and women’s safety volunteers during the pageantry to mark King Charles officially ascending to the throne. All have been released without charge.

Facing a backlash over its heavy-handed approach, Metropolitan Police chief Mark Rowley has insisted police had “serious and reliable intelligence” that protesters planned to disrupt the coronation.

He said that suspects were found with bottles of white paint and that there was intelligence to suggest that some may use rape alarms or loud hailers during the coronation procession.

There were concerns among military personnel that loud noises could unsettle horses and cause multiple injuries, he said.

On Channel 4 News, O’Brien said: “On the one hand, obviously, sometimes the police get it wrong and there will be mistakes and it’s right that they apologise when that happens.

“On the other hand, they did bring off this fantastic national event, in a very smooth way and they were right, I think, to intervene where there are people who want to come and do dangerous things like setting off rape alarms, potentially deliberately startling horses and potentially all kinds of things could happen.”

Guru-Murthy tried to intervene by saying: “But they weren’t … you’re talking about imaginary things.”

O’Brien: “You say this an imaginary thing … if they had been allowed to cause all kinds of chaos, and there’d been all sorts of disruption …”

Guru-Murthy: “You’re imagining something that didn’t happen …”

O’Brien: “You’d then be saying the police should have intervened earlier.”

Six campaigners for the group Republic, which had liaised with the Met to organise a coronation day protest in Trafalgar Square, were arrested early on Saturday on suspicion of going equipped to lock-on. They were released 16 hours later.

Volunteers for charity Night Star, that hands out rape alarms to women on their way home from nights out, were arrested in the early hours of Saturday in Soho in central London.

In the Commons, Home Office minister Chris Philp, referred to “more than one plot to cause severe disruption by placing activated rape alarms in the path of horses to induce a stampede, and a separate plot to douse participants in the procession with paint”.

In total 64 people were arrested over the weekend, 52 over concerns that the coronation may be disrupted.

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Krishnan Guru-Murthy Issues Hilarious ‘Non-Apology’ After Guest Says ‘B******s’ On Channel 4 News

Krishnan Guru-Murthy brought Wednesday’s edition of Channel 4 News to a hilarious end after a guest used some choice language during the broadcast.

As part of the live show, Krishnan interviewed journalist Gillian Tett about cabinet minister Jacob Rees-Mogg after he claimed that the recently-announced mini-budget was not responsible for the market turmoil in the UK.

She responded: “To use a non-technical term, that is pretty much bollocks.”

“I think for the most part it really was the budget and the way it was delivered and the message inside, which sparked the beginning of the crisis,” Gillian added.

As the show drew to a close, Krishnan responded to Gillian’s use of the term “bollocks”, revealing he’d done some quick Googling to decipher whether or not it was inappropriate.

Krishnan Guru-Murthy in the Channel 4 News studio
Krishnan Guru-Murthy in the Channel 4 News studio

Before we go, I’ve had time to clarify whether that word Gillian Tett used to describe Jacob Rees Mogg’s explanation was within the rules,” he told viewers, smart-phone in hand.

“And on the Ofcom regulator website, it describes [the word] as ‘medium language, potentially unacceptable, less problematic when used to mean nonsense’.”

However, Krishnan then added that Channel 4 did technically have cause to apologise for a somewhat unexpected reason.

“I should, however, apologise to people who are relying on subtitles, for whom it was spelled ‘bullocks’,” he added, before concluding: “That’s all for tonight.”

Krishnan’s comments certainly raised a smile among viewers, as the clip quickly began doing the rounds on social media:

Channel 4 News airs every weekday at 7pm.

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