HS2 U-Turn: Rishi Sunak Confirms Manchester Line Is Scrapped

Rishi Sunak has confirmed that he is scrapping HS2 to Manchester.

The prime minister made the long-awaited announcement at the Tory conference being held in the city.

He also revealed that phase one of the multi-billion pound line will start at Euston station in central London.

And he said the £36 billion saved on scrapping the Birmingham to Manchester stretch would be used to fund major new transport projects in the north of England.

The decision is likely to spark a furious backlash from opposition politicians, business leaders and senior Tories including West Midlands mayor Andy Street, who this week appealed to the PM not to axe to next phase of the HS2 project.

Sunak said: “I say to those who backed the project in the first place, the facts have changed and the right thing to do when the facts change is to have the courage to change direction.

“And so I am ending this long-running saga. I am cancelling the rest of the HS2 project and in its place we will re-invest every single penny – £36bn in hundreds of new transport projects in the north and the Midlands across the country.”

The PM said a new “network north” project would boost transport links and slash travel times to towns and cities across the country.

He said: “You will be able to get from Manchester to the new station in Bradford in 30 minutes, Sheffield in 42 minutes and to Hull in 84 minutes on a fully, electrified line.

“We’ll protect the £12bn pounds to link up Manchester and Liverpool as planned and we will engage with local leaders on how best to deliver the scheme.

“We’ll build the Midlands Rail Hub, connecting 50 stations. We’ll help Andy Street extend the West Midlands Metro, build the Leeds tram, electrify the North Wales main line, upgrade the A1, the A2, the A5, the M6 and we’ll connect our Union with the A75 boosting links between Scotland and Northern Ireland.

“We’ll fund the Shipley bypass, the Blyth relief road and deliver 70 other road schemes. We’ll resurface roads across the country. We’ll bring back the Don Valley line. We’ll upgrade the energy coast line between Carlisle, Workington and Barrow, build hundreds of other schemes and keep the £2 bus fare across the whole country.”

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Andy Burnham Says Ministers Are Treating People In The North ‘Like Second Class Citizens’

Andy Burnham has accused ministers of treating people in the north of England “like second class citizens” amid mounting speculation that the next phase of HS2 will be scrapped.

The Manchester mayor launched a furious attack on the government as Rishi Sunak ponders whether to axe the Birmingham to Manchester leg of the rail project.

His comments came after former transport secretary Grant Shapps repeatedly refused to confirm that the high-speed line will be completed in full.

Speaking on Sky News, Burnham furiously said: “Why is it that people in the north are always forced to choose – you can have this or you can have that, but you can’t have everything?

“London never has to choose between a north-south line or an east-west line and good public transport within the city.

“Why are we always treated as second-class citizens when it comes to transport?

“This is the parliament who said they would level us up. If they leave a situation where the southern half of the country is connected by modern high speed lines and the north of England is left with Victorian infrastructure, that is a recipe for the north-south divide to become a north-south chasm.”

Burnham said the abandonment of the HS2 leg would be the “desperate act of a dying government”.

Around £20 billion of taxpayers money has already been spent on the project, which was meant to cost £33 billion in total.

However, repeated delays and soaring inflation mean there are fears the final bill could be more than £100 billion.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has warned that the cost of the project is at risk of getting “totally out of control”, fuelling speculation that plans to extend it to Manchester will be scrapped.

However, Boris Johnson has said that would leave a “mutilated” rail line and has urged the government to commit to the project.

Andy Street, the Tory mayor of the West Midlands, has also called on Sunak to complete the project, while business leaders have insisted scrapping it would be disastrous for the economy.

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‘You’re Answering A Different Question’: Grant Shapps Clashes With Trevor Phillips Over HS2

The defence secretary repeatedly failed to say whether the next phase of the multi-billion pound project will go ahead.

Speculation is mounting that the government will axe plans to extend the rail line from Manchester to Birmingham.

Appearing on Sky News this morning, Shapps was asked whether or not he had promised businesses HS2 would go ahead as planned while he was transport secretary.

Phillips said: “Did you personally encourage people to invest on the basis that it was to run from central London to Manchester?”

Shapps began to say: “We’ve invested…”

But Phillips told him: “You’re answering a different question.

“I’m asking you when you talked to businesses as transport secretary, did you say to them, ’look, it’s worth investing in the north in this way because there will be HS2. Did you?”

But Shapps failed to answer and instead repeated that “the government is committed to improving rail infrastructure, particularly in the north”.

He added: “Forgive me, Trevor. I think your viewers understand that I’m not here today to deliver the budget on your excellent programme.

“I’m here to talk about actually things that I can inform you about which is for example, in my role as defence secretary and our work in Ukraine.”

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Has Boris Johnson Just Used HS2 To Kill Heathrow Airport Expansion?

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