Go Rogue Happens Live on Zoom January 28-31, 2025

This Tuesday through Friday, January 28-31, I’m hosting a series of four Zoom calls (one per day, 2 hours per call), and I invite you to join me.

It’s called Go Rogue, and the purpose is to help you honor and strengthen your relationship with your inner rogue – those parts of you that tend to be rebellious, resistant, and uncooperative with your other goals, plans, and desires.

Instead of trying to suppress your inner rogue, I invite you to discover a new way of relating to these aspects of yourself – so you can recapture the energy within and enjoy greater harmony and flow in your life.

Read the Invite – Get the Details

We’ll also be doing some unique energy work together each day, as shared in the invitation above.

When you’re ready to sign up, use this link to enroll (it’s also in the invite above):

Join “Go Rogue”

Come join us and forge an empowering new relationship with your inner rogue. Reclaim, re-harmonize, and re-integrate this powerful source of motivation, drive, and energy within you.

This is a one-of-kind event, and you’ll get the recordings too. I’ll see you inside!

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Bucket List Challenge Invite Video

Here’s a short video invitation for the Bucket List Challenge, which starts September 10, 2024 at 11:11 AM Pacific Time. Let’s bring some of your lifelong dreams across the finish line, so you can make them real and finally experience them.

Dozens of people have already signed up, so we’re just waiting on you to join when you’re ready. It’s going to be a deep and fascinating journey, spanning from now all the way to March 4, 2025.

See you in the challenge!

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Join the Bucket List Challenge

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. – Anaïs Nin

If you’ve ever looked at your bucket list and thought to yourself, Someday I’ll get around to these, this is your invitation to start making these items actually happen. Starting on September 10, 2024 – this Tuesday – I’m hosting a unique Bucket List Challenge to help you bring your most meaningful yet so-far-unrealized dreams to life.

Perhaps you’ve thought of someday hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Or maybe you sense it’s time for a road trip. Have you ever wanted to do one of those 10-day meditation retreats? What about writing that screenplay you’ve always been talking about? Going vegan? Learning Spanish? Learning to lucid dream?

Now is the time to make these dreams happen with abundant support, structure, and accountability.

What is the Bucket List Challenge?

The Bucket List Challenge is about taking those dreams and desires you’ve been sitting on – maybe for years – and finally giving them the attention they deserve.

I’ll be hosting a total of 12 Zoom calls for this challenge, split into three rounds with four calls per round and spread across the next several months – from September 10, 2024 through March 4, 2025. And what a perfect ending day that is, as you march forth into your new reality as someone who pursues your goals and dreams with gusto.

Along the way we can share updates, assess our progress, and cheer each other on. You get to choose your own bucket list goals, and there’s plenty of flexibility to adapt the challenge to fit your personal schedule and flow. All of the calls will be recorded, and you’ll get the recordings too.

This challenge isn’t about rigid rules or strict deadlines; it’s about providing the structure and support you need to finally bring your bucket list items to life. Picture it as a progress-driven group where you’ll steadily move forward, making your life more adventurous and fulfilling. Whether you’re pursuing bold adventures, meaningful personal milestones, or those lingering dreams you’ve been putting off, this is your opportunity to really invest in them and get them done.

How Does It Work?

As part of the Bucket List Challenge, you will:

  • Choose your own bucket list items. You decide what’s important to you, whether it’s a physical challenge, a travel goal, a creative project, or something deeply personal. No one else tells you what to work on. That said, I’ll guide you through a structured process to help you choose.
  • Join Zoom walkthroughs and check-ins. Our live Zoom meetings will give you the chance to share your progress, gain insights, and support your fellow adventurers. This is a great way to stay motivated while you’re turning your dreams into reality.
  • Experience the Power of Collective Support. The magic of the Bucket List Challenge is in doing this together as a community. You’re not doing this alone. Imagine a group of people who are all rooting for you, celebrating your wins, and offering encouragement when things get tough. Each check-in is a chance to not only share your progress but also to be inspired by others’ journeys. Together we’ll create a ripple effect of motivation and momentum.

Rachelle and I are going to do this challenge with you too. What will we pick for our bucket list items? Show up to the calls and find out!

Why Join?

If you’re the kind of person who has a list of experiences you’ve been meaning to get to, but life keeps getting in the way, this challenge is perfect for you. It’s not about doing things quickly or just checking boxes; it’s about diving into the experiences that truly matter to you. You’ll be surrounded by like-minded people who are ready to offer encouragement and share in the excitement of ticking items off their own lists.

By joining you’re saying yes to living a more adventurous, purpose-driven life. You’re making space for the things you truly care about and giving yourself permission to pursue what brings you joy, satisfaction, and growth.

What if you have an inner desire to squeeze more juice out of life but you’re not sure what specific goals to pick? That’s totally fine. Just show up, and I’ll walk you through a process to help you identify and decide where to engage. It’s also very likely that being immersed in this kind of group energy will surface some latent desires.

How to Get Started

Signing up is simple. Head over to the Bucket List Challenge page for all the details, and when you’re ready, click the “Join the Bucket List Challenge” button on that page. You’ll be joining a community of people eager to turn their dreams into reality.

The challenge officially kicks off on September 10, so start pondering which bucket list items you’ll tackle. This could be the invitation you’ve been waiting for to finally bring those someday/maybe dreams to life.

Learn more and join the challenge!

Take a moment to reflect on the adventures, experiences, or personal breakthroughs you’ve been holding back on. What’s calling you? This challenge is your opportunity to say yes and start living those dreams.

Let’s make your bucket list a reality – starting now!

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Bases Loaded Reflections + Videos Now Available

I’m happy to report that last week’s Bases Loaded event on Life Balance went exceedingly well. I’m really delighted with how it turned out – mentally and emotionally it was a very heart-opening and connected experience. If you haven’t gone through it yet, I strongly encourage you to get the recordings and watch them this week. It’s only $42 for all four days’ worth – more than 9 hours total. Feel free to watch it at double speed if you like.

I felt very tuned in and enthusiastic all throughout the event. Participation was fabulous, and there were some pretty moving moments too, especially near the end of Day 2.

I’ve been taking a different approach to my work this year – really going much further in the direction of vibrational alignment, which is such a great way to create breakthroughs when nothing else works. Sometimes we reach the point in life where the only practical way to advance is to permanently and meaningfully boost our default vibes and then keep them there. No going back to the old vibes.

Bases Loaded takes this vibrational approach and applies it to the challenge of creating a beautifully balanced and harmonious life. I’ve already been making significant changes to my life since working at this level. I love how simple principles and a focus on the right vibes can open a window to new levels of logical thinking too.

The four bases in Bases Loaded are the key vibes to use for creating balance and harmony in any and all areas of life. Instead of trying to juggle items based on scheduling alone – which doesn’t actually create balance – this approach relies on aligning each area of life as well as each goal, project, and task with vibes that naturally create harmony and balance.

Consider the vibes you’ve used to make many of the decisions in your life already and how those decisions are still impacting you today. What vibes led you to choose your current work, business path, or school, for instance? What vibes did you follow into your current relationship situation? Did you make various choices based on worry, anxiety, pressure, concern, ambition, security, neediness, clinginess, love, connection, oneness, peace, contribution, or something else?

There’s no escaping vibrational decisions. You naturally make such decisions all the time, every single day. Whenever you decide what to wear or what to eat, you’re making vibrational choices. Do you make those decisions harmoniously and with a similar set of vibes each time? Most likely not.

Do you know what the very best harmonizing vibes are? They are Courage, Love, Trust, and Joy. You really just need those four because they’re very robust and very cooperative with each other. To fully align with any one of them is really to invite all four into your life. The Bases Loaded experience guides you deeply through all four, focusing on one core vibe per day. Then we go through examples and stories of how to apply them. And there’s lots of sharing from people who were on the live calls each day. Hearing from others and witnessing their shifts is a big part of the overall experience. It invites you to start making similar shifts in your decision-making too. Get your decisions aligned with the most harmonious vibrational roots. Stabilize your decision-making vibes, and you’ll stabilize your decisions and their unfolding ripples. As you see when you apply these ideas, it’s lovely to experience the ripples of decisions rooted in Courage, Love, Trust, and Joy.

Look at the items on your to-do list for today, and ask yourself: What vibes led to each item appearing on my list? You’ll probably notice that your to-dos aren’t all very well-aligned with these harmonizing vibes. Some items may be on your list due to feelings of anxiety or pressure. Others may have gotten onto your list because they seem creative. And still others may have a tedious “I should do this” feeling to them. Notice how these different vibes impact your productivity and flow. You can also review bigger projects or goals if you’d like. Remember that every decision is a vibrational one. Do this simple check right now and see what you notice.

One reason people struggle with consistency is that they make decisions from different vibrational roots. Then as their vibes shifts, they’re constantly remaking or unmaking those same decisions. That gets messy very quickly.

Your vibes control your state of mind, and your state of mind controls what kinds of thoughts you’ll access. Different vibes lead to different thoughts, including different logic running through your mind. Any logic depends on priorities. Logic alone cannot set priorities. Priorities are set for vibrational (or emotional) reasons. You have to care about something to make it a priority, and there’s no logical mandate to care about anything, not even your survival. So every priority you set in life is really a vibrational decision. If your vibes shift often and then you try to make decisions with different vibes, you’ll surely experience inconsistency. You’ll have a hard time sticking to your past choices. Your life will become chaotically unbalanced and disharmonious.

You may think that too much chaos or stagnation is dragging down your vibes. But the real issue is that you’re not aligning with the vibes you want when making decisions. To create harmonious results, it’s necessary to keep synching with harmonious vibes. I make this super easy for you by giving you the best vibes to sync to in order to create balance and harmony (right here in this post).

There’s a way to make strong choices and have them stick – no waffling afterwards. That’s a vibrational alignment approach, and Bases Loaded is a powerful invitation to practice and apply this. Ostensibly it’s about life balance, but truly it’s about so much more. These vibes are universals that you can apply again and again.

Got a work challenge that’s unbalancing your team dynamics? Use these harmonizing vibes to get everyone on the same page. Got a health or relationship issue popping up? Use these harmonizing vibes to clarify the path forward.

I’ve been working in the self-development field for about 20 years now. I haven’t wavered in that commitment. I haven’t wanted to quit. Same goes for committing to Conscious Growth Club, which is now flowing along beautifully in its 8th year together. My relationship with Rachelle is still going strong, now in our 15th year together. I don’t normally struggle with making big decisions and long-term commitments because I learned the importance of synching to intelligence-raising vibes when making such decisions. I know that if my vibes are inconsistent, I can never really trust my decisions, and I can be sure that my future self will eventually think differently. But I can also know that these four harmonizing vibes will always matter to me. I can trust them because they’re timeless, and synching to timeless vibes is the real key to consistency. You can’t get consistency from what’s temporary and unstable.

Bases Loaded is my ultimate expression of how to make such commitments. If you can’t commit yourself to a certain direction and stick with it year after year, you can’t really benefit from the delights of such long-term investments. You’ll constantly swirl around at ground level instead of really getting somewhere. You’ll often feel like you’re starting from scratch yet again.

The truth is that you can have the best of both worlds here. I love being a beginner too and exploring in new directions. I always want to keep learning and growing. But I also love having some forever projects and directions where I feel solidly committed. It’s so gratifying to be able to really invest long-term and accumulate all the benefits of past lessons. These harmonizing vibes don’t just stabilize and enhance my long-term commitments – they also show me which new directions are truly strong matches for me. When I work with these vibes, I often feel that I’m being lovingly guided by a much greater intelligence. It’s like I’m harmonizing with universal wisdom that’s always broadcasting. I just have to keep tuning in to it.

I’ve priced Bases Loaded ridiculously low on purpose. I want it to be accessible to lots and lots of people. Now that it’s over, it really does feel like a beautiful diamond – a baseball diamond even – to add to this ever-growing body of work. I know I’ll always have fond memories of the experience. The weekend afterwards I was all aglow from so much immersion in these vibes, and Rachelle and I enjoyed a lovely date together on Saturday.

Bases Loaded is very much a vibrational experience for you as you go through it. There’s a reason I did it live on video instead of just writing up a series of text posts. It’s important to hear it and feel it. You’ll notice that my energy is very high and lively throughout. I did my very best to embody and demonstrate the vibes as we went. I didn’t just want to talk about them. I wanted you to see and sense what it feels like when you invite more Courage, Love, Trust, and Joy into your everyday life. Feeling joyful, vibrant, and enthusiastic each day is normal for me, but the flip side is that it’s crucial to keep leaning in directions that require Courage and Trust to maintain this. There is no sustainable Joy or Love without Courage and Trust. Have you figured that out yet?

People so often overlook the harmonizing power of Trust, for instance. They try to be happy without it, thinking maybe it’s not essential, and that approach fails again and again. Do you have high-Trust relationships with the people you engage with each day? Do you keep seeking to build stronger Trust with those people? Do you approach new connections and potential relationships on the basis of deliberately seeking to build Trust? Do you set goals and make decisions based on deepening and strengthening your already powerful Trust in life? Do you keep placing bigger bets in the direction of Trust? We cover Trust in great depth on Day 4 of Bases Loaded, and you’ll see how powerfully and intelligently it connects with Courage, Love, and Joy as well.

Self-Trust is very powerful too. Do you trust yourself to make wise choices? Do you trust in your ability to keep learning and growing? Do you trust that investing in your self-development really pays off over time? I obviously do. Trusting in this direction rescued me from a lot of problems I encountered (and created) when I was younger. Continuing to build stronger Trust in myself, in my intuition, in life, and in the people I connect with daily is delightful. It takes time to get used to it, especially if you need to release low-Trust vibes, people, and situations, but then it feels so natural. High-Trust relationships and communities are very accessible if we make Trust-aligned decisions.

Bases Loaded is a very aspirational experience too. It will likely invite you to reach well beyond your current circumstances. As I shared during the Day 1 call, these harmonizing vibes are demanding. As you invite them in, they will push out whatever doesn’t align with them. A shedding process is inevitably part of the re-alignment process. That takes Courage. It takes Courage just to sign up and press play because you don’t know how working with these vibes will affect you till you’re in the midst of them.

What I can say is that you can trust these vibes. They’re challenging indeed, but they’re on your side 100%. If this invitation is showing up in your life now, that’s surely for good reason. It means you’re ready to start shifting away from struggle, stuckness, or stagnation and into a whole new experience of growth. But it won’t be the same kind of growth experience you’ve had before. This vibes are here to invite you into an uplifting phase of fresh new growth.

When you’re ready.

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Bases Loaded Event: July 9-12, 2024

Yay! We’re doing a new online event this week. You’re invited!

It’s called Bases Loaded, and it’s about a very unique and different approach to life balance, using a baseball diamond metaphor to help you understand the four most important balancing frequencies.

This is short-notice deliberately, so we can get really high alignment for this, meaning little gap between your decision and partaking in the live experience. That matters for the live experience this time.

It starts this Tuesday, July 9 and runs through Friday, July 12, 2024. Each day I’ll host a two-hour Zoom call with you. And you get the recordings as well.

It’s super cheap too, so we ought to have a nice big, lively turnout for this one. People are already signing up for it. You can see the current enrollment at the top of the invite page.

Read the Invite – It’s Pretty Short

When you’re ready to sign up, use this link to enroll (it’s also in the invite above).

Join the Bases Loaded Event

Come join us and burn your excuses since we’ll be working with a lot of fire energy together.

Bases Loaded

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What’s So Unique About CGC Year 8?

Does this list represent what you’d like to experience this year?

  • New Explorations
  • High Trust
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Open-Heartedness
  • Spirit Energy
  • Stimulating Growth
  • Fiery Wisdom
  • Curiosity
  • Surprise
  • Purpose
  • Intuitive Knowing
  • Alignment
  • Balance
  • Playfulness & Fun
  • Full-Range Friendships
  • Courageous Steps
  • Powerful Shifts
  • Honesty
  • Feeling Nurtured
  • Feeling Protected
  • Intentionality
  • Imagination
  • Variety
  • Uniqueness & Originality
  • Depth & Intimacy
  • Flexibility

These vibes are all part of Conscious Growth Club Year 8, which is starting today, May 1st.

There are 59 people already enrolled for this fresh new CGC year as I’m writing this. If history is an indication, there will be a notable surge in sign-ups by the end of the day. You can see the current count at the top of the CGC invite page. Check it as often as you want. When you join us, it will go up by one.

Here’s what’s different about CGC Year 8 relative to previous years in the club:

Much Lower Price – $1111

One of the biggest changes is that the price for a full year is CGC is now $1111. In all previous years it was $1997. That’s a 44.4% reduction. A whole year in CGC is now only $3 per day, yet the invitation has more juiciness packed into it than ever, including access to our full library of courses and recorded events. That said, we’ve also gone further in seeking to filter for strong matches. That’s one reason the invitation page is long and detailed. It’s intended to deflect mismatches who don’t belong in CGC, while strong matches will make it through and recognize that CGC is so right for them this year.

More Members

We’ve already surpassed last year’s membership numbers by 23%, and it’s likely to be a lot more than that by the end of the day. If you’ve been waiting for a bigger CGC year with more members and more energy, this is it.

More Returning Members

This year we’re seeing a higher than usual sign-up rate from members from previous CGC years returning, so if you were involved in CGC or some of the live courses or events in the past, you’re bound to see some familiar faces inside. There’s a lovely reunion energy flowing through the club today as we begin this new CGC year together.

More Divergent Variety Than Ever

During years 1-6 we had essentially one Zoom call format: the coaching calls. In Year 7 we replaced the coaching calls with a variety of different formats, and we’ve gone much further in that direction with an even wider scope of calls for Year 8. We now host a whopping 14 very unique and different formats (each with different vibes and a different growth-oriented purpose). It’s an ideal match for people who love to learn in non-linear, exploratory, experiential, richly varied ways.

More Exploration

CGC is no longer a coaching program. We dropped that model at the end of Year 6. CGC has evolved into a thriving group of self-development co-explorers. If you want to hire a coach on the side, that’s up to you, but in CGC we explore and experience together.

Experiential Learning

My role (Steve) is no longer to play the role of coach. Now my focus is on crafting and hosting unique growth experiences that we go through together, which is so much more engaging for myself and others in the club. For instance, on yesterday’s Courage Forge call, our theme was “Center of Attention.” Some members served as focal points while we invited them to be the center of attention for a while and to experience what that was like. Then we discussed what came up for them – from nervousness and anxiety to playfulness and love. Even when you’re not the one doing the experiencing, it’s way more interesting to watch and explore with people who are having real growth experiences right in front of you instead of just talking about problems and potential solutions.

Unrecorded Calls

During years 1-6 in CGC, we recorded every coaching call. In year 7 we tested having unrecorded calls except for a few event-style formats that we did record. This worked very well – we saw a marked increase in call attendance and participation. This year we’re continuing with unrecorded calls for 13 of the 14 formats. So there’s a strong focus on the one-time-only live experience, not on amassing an archive of recordings. Year 7 was the test; Year 8 is the commitment to this change because it works. This also nudges out some overly passive energy from people who only want to watch recordings, thereby creating a more active and engaging vibe in the club. That’s really good for those of us who want more action and engagement. CGC is just not a place for passive learners.

Advance Scheduling

In recent CGC years, the group calls were scheduled one month at a time. Now they’re scheduled one calendar quarter (3 months) at a time. Moreover, major events for the new CGC year are already prescheduled with dates and times all the way through March 2025. These are all listed on the CGC Year 8 invite page too. So you can see if they mesh with your calendar. The major events will be recorded, so you don’t have to attend those live.

New Bucket List Experiences

New for this CGC year, we’re inviting members to participate in a “bucket list” walkthrough 3 times during the CGC Year. We’ll guide you through picking and choosing a new experience you’d love to have and then support you in advancing it towards the inevitability of actually doing it. Some members may wish to team up and have one or more of these experiences together, so we’ll provide support for that too.

Greater Service Alignment

For this new CGC year, we’ve been seeking (and apparently doing a very good job of) attracting members who care about service, contribution, and purpose. We’ve made this year’s invitation deliberately less appealing to members who aren’t interested in creating positive ripples that serve the greater good. Do you want to instantly fill your life with more people like this?

Even More Intentionality

It’s been so beneficial to give a lot of attention to intentionality. In Year 7 we added monthly Intention Infusion calls, where we all set individual and group intentions for the upcoming month. Then we use the CGC forums to share related experiences as we go. We’re continuing that practice this year. On this morning’s call, our group intention was Fresh New Growth. Do you want to join us and align with this intention?

Direct Vibrational Practice

One of our new call formats this year is called Good Vibrations. On these calls you’ll get to directly practice shifting, expanding, and intensifying your vibe in different ways. Our first Good Vibrations call is on May 9. Imagining practicing this with other open-minded people, so you can intensify the feelings and get a clearer sense of what different vibes and energy patterns feel like and look like.

Consistent Start Time for Calls: 11:11 AM Pacific

For CGC Year 8 we’ve set a standard start time for our regular calls. Each call begins at 11:11 AM Pacific Time. That makes it easy for you to prioritize being available at this time if you want to attend lots of calls. All calls are on weekdays only, so you’ve got all your weekends free. This approach is fabulously good at deflecting members who choose to prioritize something else ahead of their self-development work. We make it extremely easy for excuse-makers to excuse themselves from joining. Consider what kinds of people make it into CGC then – yes, they’re more committed and more flexible. That’s what we want. This is very good for us.

More Group Calls Than Ever

By CGC Year 6 we had settled on hosting 33 coaching calls per year. In Year 7 we hosted about 80 calls, none of them with the old coaching call format. For Year 8 we’re aiming to host about 100 calls with vastly more variety than in any previous year. You can attend as many or as few calls as you want. Most weeks we have 1-3 calls, and there are some weeks that are call-free breaks during the year as well.

Envision Your Future Path

We have a new call type this year called Pure Imagination and another called Story Lab to help you further develop your imagination and cooperatively advance your unfolding life story. And for developing your character too, we have Stature Sculptor calls. In CGC you’re invited to work on yourself from many different angles. This is way, way beyond what you’ll get to experience anywhere else.

More Heart & Spirit Energy

I wouldn’t exactly use the label “spiritual” for this year in CGC, but I do like the word spirited. Heart alignment has always been a big part of CGC. In the past year, I’ve released my blocks to accepting that I want to invite more spirit-level interactions and engagement within CGC. We gradually transitioned further in this direction throughout Year 7, and with the start of Year 8, this is a strong commitment from me. I’ve lost interest in working with stuck-in-their-head types who prefer over-objectified models of reality, so I’m leaving them behind because their rigidity makes them too slow to change. So I’ve invited that misalignment to purge itself from CGC, so we’re no longer tethered to it going forward. You’ll see this shift playing out in my YouTubing this year as well. Pay special attention to the new Spirit Spire calls in CGC this year. If you want to take your life in a more spirited direction with many others who vibe with this too, I think you’ll really love this year in the club.

Flexible Engagement

CGC has always been good at offering flexible engagement with no parts of it considered mandatory to attend. This year we’ve added even more flexibility. For instance, on calls that have an experiential aspect, you have the option to be in the experiential “splash zone” where you can be an active participant, or you can be in observer mode, knowing that you’re free to just watch. You can even switch modes back and forth during a call if you want. So you can really dial in the kind of experience to match your energy in the moment. If you feel like being less engaged, you can still show up and learn from those who are having immersive growth experiences. And if you want to be part of the fun, you have the option to join them in the splash zone. Some CGC calls are a bit like shamanic journeys, where we all go through experiences together, but not with everyone at the same level of intensity. One member has a growth experience this way, we all partake in the gains.

More Friendship

Because CGC’s calls are more participatory, it’s easier for members to make friends and connect with each other because there’s more social interaction. Additionally, since we’ve been going for a full 7 years now, there’s been a lot more time for renewing members to connect and bond with each other. CGC is still immensely friendly and open towards new members though. We really haven’t see issues with cliquishness in recent years. The atmosphere inside is nice and cooperative and really not competitive. We seem to have developed a really good ethos of compersion inside, where members genuinely feel good about each other’s gains and successes and also comfort each other during setbacks and tough situations. There’s such a beautiful “we’re all in this together” vibe that permeates the club. Obviously we want to keep that going.

More Nurturing

Need to lick your wounds and just be comforted for a while without being pushed? Join our new Bear Care calls this year, where we give extra attention not just to self-care but to the community investing in caring for its own. Do you enjoy nurturing people who are receptive to and would appreciate some extra kindness, caring, compassion, and unconditional love? We’d love for you to join us on these calls to help us hold this space and fill it with gentle, nurturing, caring, and supportive vibes for those who could really use it.

Intuition & Trust

Another energy we really want to strengthen in CGC this year is self-trust – your ability to trust your own best intuition and wisdom and to make decisions that feel aligned to you. There’s a difference between sensing your intuition and trusting it enough to powerfully act on it, especially when you can’t see exactly where it will lead. Would you like to be able to trust yourself more? Let’s work on that together this year.

Amplify Your Uniqueness

Another key aspect of this CGC year is to help you accept and further develop what makes you so unique, original, and different. Even as we work together and support each other, we know that we all have different individual paths, no two of them the same. We don’t push the tired old concept of “modeling” in CGC, whereby you try to copy someone else’s supposed success formula or “proven” techniques. Rather we want to help you unearth and fully leverage your unique inner brilliance, which only you can apply to its fullest extent. In January 2025 we have a 4-day event called Rogue, which is about accepting and aligning with your unique path in life.


If you find juggling different interests and priorities challenging, this is a great year to join CGC, so you can go through our 4-day Bases Loaded event in July, where I’ll walk you through a process of rebalancing your priorities. I’ve made some really key advancements in understanding how to create a nicely balanced life, even with a lot going on, and I’m happy to walk through this. I think this alone will be worth the cost of your membership.

Fire Energy

Our Year 8 theme in CGC is Fire Infusion. This means inviting powerful transformational energy into your life to release the misaligned and to consciously invite what’s ready to emerge next. Burn off the old misalignments, and fire yourself up for new directions and experiences. You get to control the intensity though – from a microdose to a minidose to a heroic dose – by choosing how you want to engage with this infusion of fire energy that we’re inviting to dance with us in CGC Year 8. I can tell you now that some new members have joined this year specifically because this energy is really calling to them now. Is that you too?

Psychedelic Energy

If you’re open-minded enough to handle it, I invite you to attend our new Alien Popcorn calls this year. On these calls we’ll invite members who have the relevant experience to help open connections to psychedelic energy networks for us, which are among the most powerful we can collectively access. If you attended last year’s Spirt of Money or Power of Spirit calls with me – the recordings of both are included as part of your CGC membership – you’ve seen some of these energies in action. Our Alien Popcorn calls are intended for more advanced transformational work as well as helping to release and move stuck or stubborn energy. They may also help to open up creative thinking in fresh, divergent new directions. For those who are aligned with doing so, I invite you to join us and help us to channel these powerful energies for the greater good of all involved and for the positive ripples that may flow from such work.

So just a wee bit of improvement there, yes. 😉

This is the ultimate self-development experience for this community that took 7 years to evolve to this point – and it’s just $3 a day. Even the $1111 price is exactly what it has to be. That was chosen very deliberately. It’s both a both a filter and beacon for the right people who are meant to be a part of this.

There is a spirit-level aspect to CGC that really seems to guide us at each step, and this year it clearly wants to shift gears. If you’ve read through everything above, I imagine that it’s pretty obvious that this is no ordinary year in the club. Even on day 1 of this new CGC year, I can tell you it feels very different inside. I’ve said yes to playing my part. Now it’s your time to decide.

Here are are all the relevant links you need:

It’s okay to feel a little scared and still join us. This is meant to stretch you. It’s doing that to all of us.

This is one of the most important invitations you’ll ever receive in your life. Make the best decision you can. Trust yourself. Does your spirit want you in the club this year?

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The Power of Spirit – Join the Event

This post is an invitation for you on multiple levels. First, there’s the human-level invitation, which you’ll get by reading the words here. I’m hosting a live event on Zoom this weekend called The Power of Spirit, and I invite you to join us for it. It will be 3 hours each day, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Pacific Time on October 7 and 8, 2023.

The second level of this invitation is the spirit level. I’m writing this invitation while feeling very tuned in (thanks in part to a minidose of magic mushrooms this morning). As I’m writing, I can also feel some of the energy of the upcoming event flowing through. So as you read these words and reflect on whether to attend, see if you can perceive the spirit level of this invitation coming through as well. You may feel it on an emotional or intuitive level if you’re sensitive to that. See if you notice a perceptible shift in your energy by the time you get to the end.

Intention & Purpose

Here are four primary reasons that you may want to attend the Power of Spirit event.

  1. Take a Spirit-Level Break – This weekend offers you the opportunity to take the weekend off from your human-level challenges. Elevate your perspective back to the spirit level for a while, and reflect upon your human journey with more self-compassion and understanding. Discover how and why you find yourself in your current situation, and gain clarity about what to focus on next. Afterwards you can return to the matrix of your human life with a new sense of purpose, perhaps regarding your old problems as not so daunting anymore.
  2. Make a Transition – Are you facing a potential transition such as shifting the kind of work you do, pondering leaving a relationship, changing up your social circle, moving to a new place, or adopting a different lifestyle? Devote this weekend to looking at your life from the perspective of your spirit-level purpose. Participate in the Fire and Water Ceremonies to help you release the misaligned and cleanse your human energy matrix, so you can embody your best self going forward and fully embrace the transition that’s ready to emerge. Attending this call could be your way of saying to reality, “Yes, I’m ready. It’s time.”
  3. Upgrade to a Spirit-Centric Life – Perhaps you feel called to embrace and embody a richer, fuller, more spirit-centric life while still in human form. One friend called this a “pre-ascension” phase. If you sense that this may be part of your path, I invite you to join us for the Power of Spirit, immerse yourself in spirit-level connection and practice, and see if it feels like home to you. Use this experience to gain clarity regarding how to take the next steps. I’m happy to answer your questions about what it’s like and how to keep progressing too.
  4. Immerse Yourself in Spirit Space – Initially I had only identified the three previous reasons, but this fourth one popped into my mind just now, which is that you may attend because you love being invited to immerse yourself in spirit space with like-minded, like-hearted, and like-spirited people. Join us in a space where you get to attend as the real YOU, and connect with others who want to immerse themselves in a similar kind of energy bath for the spirit. I love connecting in this way too, so I’m right there with you. 😁


Here are some of the topics we might cover during the experience. I share this list not as a promise of exactly what we’ll include, nor as an exhaustive list, but as a list of suggestive possibilities with a reasonable likelihood of coming up during the experience. On the live calls, I’ll be going with the flow of inspiration and guidance as it comes through. I’ll also have some notes for key ideas that I consider very likely to be included. I’ll share this list of some ideas that have been coming up for me lately, which I interpret as a reasonably good sign that many (but probably not all) of these topics will be woven into the experience:

  • Giving your mind what it needs to flex into spirit space, explore, experience, and discover without pre-rejecting possibilities (a very likely starting point for the first call)
  • Identifying and releasing blocks and filters that limit you
  • Using spirit-level insights and practices to generate practical human-level results
  • The role of trust when communicating with spirit
  • Connecting with the energy of your home and possessions
  • Spirit-level bonding (with people, places, possessions, your work, etc)
  • Connecting with your higher self
  • Embodying your higher self
  • Connecting and conversing with departed/deceased human-spirits, including people you knew while they were alive as well as people you didn’t personally know
  • Gaining access to spirit-level insights
  • How to upgrade your spirit-level access to connect in more varied ways, experience clearer connections, and unlock communication that you were previously blocked from accessing
  • Inviting spirit-level assistance for your human-level problems and challenges
  • Insights from the spirit side about what the afterlife is really like
  • Death and what it feels like to transition back to spirit
  • What a human-spirit experiences after death, including the adjustment process
  • How psychedelics can be used to open or enhance spirit-level connections
  • What spirit space is like according to various spirits who’ve been willing to share the details, including former humans
  • How spirits regard humans and our human lives
  • Spirit-level perspectives on why the most challenging aspects of human life exist (like war, disease, imprisonment, etc)
  • The nature of spirit time and how it differs from human time
  • What spirits can and can’t see from their end
  • Bonding with spirit-level allies and helpers
  • Building goodwill on the spirit side
  • Using spirit-level communication to heal problematic relationships, both with living and deceased people

So it’s going to be spirit-level awesome. 😉

Note that we’ll have open Q&A at the end of each call, so whether we cover a given topic during the main part of the calls or not, you’re welcome to ask about anything from the list above or any related spirit-level topics too to ensure that we address what interests you most.


Vibe-wise I want to make this a really beautiful, engaging, lively, and welcoming experience for those who choose to attend. Let’s bring lots of warmth, compassion, connectedness, heart energy, and spirit energy to the gathering. I also want to share concepts, ideas, and insights in ways that can satisfy the mind too, so you can build useful mental models for interfacing with life and reality through the spirit level.

I think I’m uniquely well-suited to communicating across these different levels since I have a background in computer science and mathematics, including being a computer game developer for 10 years, and I was also in a previous relationship with a pro psychic medium (Erin Pavlina) for 15 years. I’ve also done a fair amount of psychedelics in the past few years (especially during the past four months) to connect more deeply with different modes of experience, including ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, and MDMA.

One of my most powerful drives is that I’m intensely curious. I love to explore and learn about life and reality through direct, hands-on experimentation. I enjoy forming and testing different mental models of how reality might work, so I can discover what new possibilities may open up. I consider it much riskier to miss out on opportunities by succumbing to limiting assumptions than to make a mistake by stretching too far. When I go too far, life knocks me back, and I accept the lesson. But I’ve often been surprised when I test for a wall and discover that the wall was just a mirage. I’m reminded of this quote that I have posted on the wall in my home office:

When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Suffice it to say that I have quite a collection of beards that I’ve yanked off over the years.


While I’ll do my best to offer you frames and mental models to help soothe and satisfy your mental side, I won’t be playing the role of spirit-level apologist on this call. I’ll get you warmed up first, and then we’ll go on a full-throttle ride through spirit space, delivered shamelessly from that perspective. I want this to be a powerful and immersive experience for those who’d find such a journey appealing.

The easy part is that no belief in any spiritual philosophy is needed. I invite you to approach these calls as from an experiential standpoint. Join us for the ride and see what it’s like. Afterwards you can analyze the heck out of it, reflect upon what it all means to you, and decide what practices and ideas you’d like to test more extensively. I’d like to show you where I think the most interesting gold can be found.

I’ll do my best to really tune in to spirit space throughout this experience. As I did during the Spirit of Money call last month, I’ll be minidosing with magic mushrooms on both days (a few hours before each call), which helps me open up and be more receptive to spirit-level inspiration and communication. I know that the shroom energy network will be open to us and very happy to assist us (just as they assisted me in writing this invitation today). I’m also going to channel some info and insights from my higher self; I’ve been very attuned to him since my first solo MDMA journey a few weeks ago. And on top of that, I’m pretty sure some helpful former humans will want to come through and share with us as well since they’ve been popping in quite a lot recently. We can even do some extra Q&A with them, and I’ll channel their responses for you. So there will be lots of different spirit-level energies coming through to be shared with you during these calls.

I also think the experience will be a lot of fun. Minidosing tends to relax my filters, which affects how I communicate. So don’t be surprised if I swear more than usual during these calls, much like I did on the Spirit of Money call. I’m not swearing at anyone; it’s just that my self-censoring is mostly switched off, so when I feel the flow of ideas more intensely, they naturally flow into more intense language. You might find that aspect amusing if you’re not used to seeing me in that mode.

I feel better prepared for this call in terms of respecting just how intense the group energy can be when connecting at this level. I had a lot of help during the Spirit of Money call to shield me from much of that energy, so I could focus on sharing the messages and guiding the flow of the experience. If I were to permit that energy to hit me full blast while I’m so open and sensitive, I’d be overcome with emotion and wouldn’t be able to talk very well. I’d be swept up in the intensity of emotional energy that some people are working through, especially when certain truths and inner realizations may hit them like a ton of bricks. Sometimes I like to let some of that energy come through in small bursts because it helps me feel more connected to what people are experiencing. I invited that to happen a few times during the last call but still not at full intensity. I don’t mind being knocked off balance by this energy sometimes, but then I need to return to being shielded, so I can stay centered in sharing what wants to come through. Otherwise I’ll just want to sit and sob with everyone who’s intensely feeling whatever they’re releasing. Just know that I respect that this type of experience can be emotionally deep, powerful, and intense for some people, and my role is to stay with the flow of what the spirit-level energies want to share with you.

I sense that this will be a very deep, rich, and meaningful experience for you if you’re open to it. On these two calls, we’re not focusing on any specific human-level transformations. The core invitation here is to elevate yourself to a level of beingness at which many different kinds of transformations become accessible, especially those involving releasing or transitioning.


To have this experience together, we’ll connect on Zoom during these times:

  • Saturday October 7, 2023 – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM+ Pacific Time
  • Sunday October 8, 2023 – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM+ Pacific Time

The call will be done Zoom meeting style, so you’ll be able to see everyone else who shares their webcams (as opposed to webinar style). This makes the experience feel more more social, open, and connected for those who like being visually present for it. You’re welcome to attend with your webcam on or off, or switch it up as you see fit.

You’ll get the recordings of both calls too (audio and video versions, streamable and downloadable). We’ll have those published within a few days after the live calls are complete, and we’ll email you when they’re ready.

After you sign up, you’ll get the link to register for our weekend Zoom calls, and you’ll also get access to the web portal where the call recordings will be published.

I include the plus sign (+) after the end time for each day since we may go a bit beyond 1:00 PM, especially if there’s a lot of Q&A or if I feel guided to share some extra insights at the end. It’s totally fine if you need to leave earlier. Remember that everything will be recorded, so you can always watch or rewatch the recordings later.

I do think that if you’re able to stay till the end of each day, you may find that we settle into a really lovely (even cozy) energy where it just feels so relaxed and delightful to connect and share with each other. It’s like the energy of the experience helps to synchronize us so nicely and beautifully. I loved how that happened on the Spirit of Money call. I really don’t mind hanging out with everyone a bit longer if it feels aligned to keep going. Holding this kind of energy space for so many people can be challenging though, so at some point I do need to call it complete and rest. I think you’ll find the experience pretty generous time-wise though. I’m sure it will give you a LOT to reflect upon and integrate.

Both calls will involve introspective inner journeys. We’ll have open text chat for connecting with others from the community throughout the call and for commenting as we go. And please feel free to crack jokes along the way if you want since I always enjoy reading those afterwards. We’ll have some interactive experiential exercises and ceremonial aspects too. All of the social aspects are optional, so we won’t be doing any breakout rooms or anything like that. I think you’ll find the format very introvert-friendly.

Please bring your most open and receptive self to the call, not your social mask. Wear whatever feels real and true for you on the days of the calls.

Price – $88

As with the previous call, I feel like the price was chosen for me at the spirit level. This time the number 88 came through very clearly, and I intuitively knew it was supposed to be $88. I didn’t immediately grasp why until I reflected upon it afterwards.

The number 88 is two infinity signs, which seems appropriate for exploring the space of infinity infinities. It’s also considered a power number in numerology, and we’ll be working with some powerful energies together. In Ham radio 88 is used to transmit a message of “hugs” or “hugs and kisses.” And in the Back to the Future movies, 88 miles per hour is the speed that initiates time travel, which seems perfect for connecting with the timeless aspects of spirit. So $88 it is.

It’s the same price to attend live and/or for access to the recordings. While I personally feel it’s best to have the experience live if you can, I’ve heard from others who watched the previous Spirit of Money recordings after they missed the live calls, and they still found it very powerful for them. So I anticipate that the energy and connectedness of the experience will still come through very well on the recorded version.

You may also appreciate having the recordings, especially of the Fire and Water Ceremonies (described below), so you can use them to guide you through the experiences again when you feel the time is right, such as when you’re facing another big life-changing decision or transition.

Fire Ceremony (Saturday)

On Saturday as part of the experience (not during the first hour but deeper into the call), I’ll guide you through a special Fire Ceremony to invite you to burn off and release misaligned patterns from your life. We’ll be working on this at the spirit level together, including through human-level symbolic actions that I’ll invite you to take.

To prepare for this ceremony, I encourage you to bring something to Saturday’s call that symbolizes fire or heat. Here are some examples of what you might bring and/or use during the Fire Ceremony:

  • Candle(s)
  • Fireplace
  • Oil burner
  • Incense
  • Warm cozy clothes to wear, especially with warm colors like red, orange, or yellow
  • Warm snuggle blankets (also with warm colors if you have them)
  • Dragons (images, figurines, stuffed animals, etc)
  • Images or videos of fire such as an bonfire, fireplace, volcano, lava (physical or digital photos, device wallpaper, YouTube videos, etc); consider streaming a fireplace video on your TV
  • Small quantity of hot or spicy food like something with jalapeño peppers, cayenne pepper, or wasabi powder (to create a hot or burning sensation in your body or even to induce some sweating)
  • Take a small amount of niacin (aka vitamin B-3) – the flushing kind (not the non-flushing kind) to induce a niacin flush if you want to feel the sensation of burning off old energies more physically in your body – see my note on this below for more detailed tips if you want to include this
  • Hot water, coffee, or tea to drink, especially with warming spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, or cloves
  • If you have colored lights in your room, set them to red, orange, fire effects, or a warm palette
  • Turn up the heat or set up a space heater to make the room feel a little warmer
  • Sit in direct sunlight (careful not to overdo it)
  • Anything that represents fire, warmth, heat, or burning to you (be sensible, not reckless)

I’ll give you plenty of time to set things up, so all you need to do in advance of the first call is to consider what you might want to have available to you, and optionally pre-gather it in your space. There will be plenty of time to gather items during the call as well, so how much advance consideration you give this is up to you.

Please do what feels intuitively right to you, and don’t do anything dangerous or risky. Create a space of warmth and fire energy in which you can feel safe and comfortable releasing old energy patterns that you’re finally ready to let go of. For some people a single candle is plenty. Others may prefer to create a more immersive environment with multiple symbols of fire energy. And some may prefer to feel the sensation more intensely in their body, such as by eating spicy foods or by doing the niacin flush described below.

Here’s my note about niacin: Niacin, also known as Vitamin B-3, is a natural substance made by the body and also found in food. In supplemental form it comes in flushing or non-flushing varieties. The flushing kind causes what’s called a niacin flush if you take enough of it. I’ve taken this most days for the past several weeks, especially with lion’s mane mushroom (not a psychedelic mushroom). Niacin temporarily increases blood flow to the skin and extremities by opening up the capillaries. It can create a burning sensation and itchiness for a while, mainly on the surface of the skin. For me it usually kicks in about 20-50 minutes after I take it, and then it feels like I have a sunburn for about 20 minutes (usually felt in my ears, neck, and face first and then progressing downward through the rest of the body). It also turns my skin reddish for a while (maybe 30 minutes). Afterwards I may feel some mild itchiness for a short time. I typically take 100mg or 150mg, which is plenty to get the flushing effect. If I want a stronger effect, I might take 200mg or 300mg. A “serving size” for the niacin supplement I have is 500mg, but I’ve never gone that high before. I put the powdered form in my own capsules with lion’s mane, but it can also be mixed into a liquid like hot water or tea. I will likely take some niacin shortly before our Fire Ceremony, so I can feel the burning effect as part of the experience and channel the sensation of fire energy more viscerally. If you want to incorporate a niacin flush into your Fire Ceremony as well, that’s your choice and your responsibility for how it goes since I’m not your doctor or health advisor. It’s very optional, and I’d say it’s probably best for people who are already familiar with it and know what to expect from it. Otherwise you can just as easily lean on my channeling that part of the experience on your behalf, so you don’t have to join me in looking like a lobster for a while. If there are others who want to do this together though, we can team up to collectively hold the burn for the benefit of everyone else.

I’ll guide us through a collective version of the Fire Ceremony, which I expect will be very powerful and perhaps a bit playful too, but each of us will be implementing the physical details in our own unique ways, doing what feels intuitively right.

In this ceremony we’re holding a collective container that invites you to create a meaningful event to mark your transition from your old reality to your new one. Please bring whatever you feel is the right level of respect and reverence with you into this space, commensurate with the value you place upon your intentions and the meaning you’d like this experience to hold for you.

Releasing misaligned energies is not easy work. Sometimes it can be intense and emotional. Sometimes old patterns don’t go quietly, even when they know their time is up. I’ve done a lot of releasing work over the past few weeks, and I’ve been surprised at just how much of a cobweb each new releasing step can be. When I pull out one misaligned thought or feeling, others often come to the surface to be released next. On the other side is usually a great deal of lightness and relief, but the path to get there can be pretty involved.

Water Ceremony (Sunday)

On Sunday we’ll be incorporating water energy for our Water Ceremony. The purpose here is to cleanse and purify your human energy matrix. This may involve the sensation of healing as well, including potentially recovering from the previous day’s releasing activities. Think of this energy as gentle and soothing, like a very nice form of self-care to conclude our journey together on a high note.

I encourage you to bring to this ceremony something that symbolizes water or cleansing. Here are some examples of what you might bring to the Water Ceremony:

  • Glass, cup, or bottle of water (to drink)
  • Bowl of water with a sponge and/or towel (for rinsing or wiping your body)
  • Electric fountain
  • Rain, storm, stream, or ocean sounds playing in the background
  • Images or videos of water such as ocean waves, a lake, a stream, or a waterfall (physical or digital photos, device wallpaper, etc)
  • Anything blue, aqua or with cool colors
  • If you have colored lights in your room, set them to blue or a cool palette
  • Wear cool-colored clothing or anything with images of water
  • Take a shower or bath before the call
  • Wet your hair
  • Use a nearby sink to rinse or wash your hands or face as part of your ceremony
  • If it’s accessible for you, you may choose to sit near a pool, aquarium, fountain, pond, lake, ocean, or any form of water
  • Natural rain (if you happen to be in a rainy place during the experience)

Create a space that feels intuitively right for you, so you can symbolically work with the energy of water to cleanse and purify your own energy. I’ll guide you through the process of creating your individual version of our collective Water Ceremony, just as with the Fire Ceremony on the previous day.

If you have a label maker or the ability to create stickers, you may want to create some positive labels to put on your water bottle such as love, peace, cleansing, purity, joy, etc. Then whenever you take a sip, you can imagine those energies flowing throughout your body and helping every cell to align with them. I recently put “pure love” labels on most of the water sources in my house (on the water pipes below each sink, the showers, the water main, etc). Even if you think the only benefit would be the placebo effect, that’s still a real and measurable effect.

Performing symbolic physical actions with spirit-level intentionality communicates a powerful message to the spirit level of life, which can powerfully shift your human-level experience as well. When partaking of these ceremonies, do your best to focus on your intentions while performing the physical actions, such that your energy, your actions, and our collective energy and actions are positively aligned.

Join Us!

Now I invite you to sign up and join us for the Power of Spirit event this weekend, which is coming up very soon. If you’d like to participate live or get access to the recordings (or both), just fill out and submit the sign-up form, and you’ll get what you need to be a part of the experience.

I anticipate that this will be a fun, lively, deep, rich, surprising, connected, beautiful, and sometimes intense experience. As we saw with the recent Spirit of Money call, there’s a solid possibility that this Power of Spirit experience could shift your life in ways you wouldn’t predict. Please do your best to show up with an attitude of openness, curiosity, and possibility, and let me and the various spirit energies take you on a fascinating ride through spirit space.

Is this for you? Trust your intuition! I hope to see you this weekend. 😁🍄

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Today’s Your Last Chance: Transform Your Life with Conscious Growth Club Year 7 🌟

Today marks the final day to join Conscious Growth Club (CGC) for Year 7, and we want to ensure you don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity. The enrollment period ends at midnight Pacific Time tonight, May 1st. If you’ve been on the fence about joining, now is the time to take action and become a part of our amazing, transformative community.

Throughout the years, our members have experienced significant personal growth, from starting new businesses to achieving their health goals, and even embarking on life-changing adventures. CGC has been instrumental in providing the support, resources, and connections needed to help our members create these powerful transformations in their lives.

As the enrollment deadline approaches, we’re excited to share that we’ve welcomed 30 members to CGC Year 7 so far. Our community is buzzing with anticipation for the growth, connections, and adventures we’ll share together in the upcoming year.

Joining CGC offers a unique opportunity to accelerate your personal growth journey. By becoming a member, you’ll gain access to a supportive and inspiring community, diverse learning opportunities, enhanced accountability, and so much more. We have exciting new call formats and improvements for CGC Year 7, which I’ve shared previously on my blog.

To help you better understand the CGC experience and the benefits of joining our vibrant community, I’ve created two informative videos:

A video highlighting 20 powerful benefits of joining CGC (13 minutes):

A video about the community aspects of CGC (12 minutes):

You may also want to peruse the CGC FAQ for even more info about the club. We’ve carefully crafted this resource to address a variety of topics, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. There’s even a walkthrough video showing the CGC portal and private forums (see the second FAQ item).

One of the key benefits of joining CGC is the accountability it provides. Members are encouraged to share their goals, progress, and challenges with the community, fostering a strong sense of support and camaraderie. This level of accountability can be a game-changer, helping you to stay focused and committed to your personal growth journey.

Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to join Conscious Growth Club and embrace the growth, connection, and transformation it offers. We’re here to support you every step of the way in a warm and nurturing environment.

Are you ready to embark on your personal growth journey with CGC? Join now and secure your spot in CGC Year 7 before the enrollment window closes tonight!

Join CGC Year 7 Now

To your continued growth and success! 🌟

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20 Powerful Benefits of Joining Conscious Growth Club

The deadline to join Conscious Growth Club is tomorrow, May 1st, and we always get a surge in sign-ups that day. To make your decision easier and give you even more clarity about CGC, I recorded a succinct new video, focusing specifically on the personal impact of being a part of this vibrant community. This is a follow-up to our previous video, which highlighted the community aspects of CGC. Now, let’s dive deeper into how CGC can help you flourish, transforming your life in meaningful ways.

Seize this once-a-year opportunity to join CGC during our annual enrollment period, which comes to a close at the end of May 1, 2023.

Discover more about the enriching personal benefits of joining Conscious Growth Club and how it can support you in developing focus, consistency, and accountability; enhancing your personal growth journey, and cultivating a life filled with abundance, joy, and authentic experiences. Visit our invitation page for more information:

Learn More About CGC

I’m genuinely excited to welcome you into our community and embark on this transformative journey together! Here’s to an awesome Year 7! ❤️

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Unlock Your Full Potential with Conscious Growth Club – Join Us for Year 7! 🌟

Are you ready for a transformative and adventure-filled year? In this fun and playful video, I invite you to join us for the 7th year of Conscious Growth Club (CGC), a unique self-development community that has been changing lives since 2017. Take a moment to watch the video and learn about the incredible experiences and connections that await you within CGC.

Don’t miss out on this once-a-year opportunity to join CGC during our annual enrollment period, which ends on May 1, 2023.

Discover more about Conscious Growth Club and how it can help you get unstuck, amp up your freedom, and create a flowing relationship with life by visiting our invitation page:

Learn More About CGC

I’m excited to see you inside and embark on this transformative journey together! ❤️

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