It’s Not Just Bread And Milk ― Hedgehog Food Can Be Bad For Them Too

As we head into the winter months, hedgehogs are weeks away from settling into hibernation.

During their seasonal slumber, the animals rely on fat stores accumulated over the summer to survive, making this a crucial period for their diet.

To keep the creatures fed, many of us might start thinking about leaving food out for them in our gardens (though it’s also helpful to keep late-blooming plants like some ivy untrimmed and avoid raking leaves, so they have a store of bugs to eat).

Most of us know not to feed them milk or bread, as this is bad for their stomachs.

But according to hedgehog rescue centre Hedgehog Cabin and The Wildlife Trusts, what would seem like the safest alternative ― specially-designed hedgehog food ― can often pose its own threats.

Why would food designed for hedgehogs be bad for them?

The Wildlife Trust points out that unlike cat food (which actually suits hedgehogs just fine), hedgehog food is not regulated.

Therefore its quality and ingredients vary.

“There are many unscrupulous companies keen to cash in on the growing army of kind people trying to halt the hedgehog’s decline, and will happily sell little more than floor sweeping of the cheapest, most unsuitable products, all wrapped up with a nice picture of a cute hedgehog, at the highest possible price,” Hedgehog Cabin warns.

They explain that some hedgehog feed includes mealworms, peanuts, oats, sunflower hearts and other ingredients that the creatures might like eating, but which are bad for them overall.

Mealworms, for example, are low in calories but delicious to hedgehogs, meaning they overeat on the food and ignore more nutrient-dense fare (a bit like ducks with bread).

Eating too many mealworms can even lead to metabolic bone disease, a painful condition that can unfortunately be fatal to hedgehogs.

What should I feed them instead?

You can get good hedgehog feed from reliable sources, but it’s important you ensure that its main ingredient is meat, and that it contains zero sunflower hearts, mealworms, oats or peanuts.

These are the worst ingredients they could have, Hedgehog Cabin write, as they can all contribute to metabolic bone disease.

But there’s a simpler solution ― “plain kitten biscuits or meat-based wet dog or cat food” are perfect for their nutritional needs, The Wildlife Trusts say.

As cat food is more meat-heavy, though, it may sometimes do a better job. Don’t feed them dry dog food, either, which may contain too much grain.

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UK Gardeners Urged To Dig Hole Under Fence For 1 Reason

Can we call it “winter” now? I mean, I know it’s just turned November ― but the sun’s down before 5pm, my extra-thick coat has come out of its vacuum-packed home, and my garden’s autumn bounty has officially faded away.

We’re not the only species to feel the shift, either. Birds, bats, hedgehogs, and bees are starting to struggle in the less-plentiful season ― but it turns out that digging a teeny-tiny hole in your garden could help.

“Combined, our gardens provide a space for wildlife larger than all our National Nature Reserves, so by gardening in a wildlife-friendly way, we can help our spiky companions move around safely and find a home,” The National Wildlife Trusts shared.

But unless the critters have a way into your garden, all of that land is practically useless to animals.

Why does digging a hole help?

“Hedgehogs must feed intensively and be in great condition before hibernating if they are to have enough reserves to last the winter,” Wild About Gardens says.

In fact, the average hedgehog roams 2km a night. To get into prime resting state, they need access to food ― and somewhere to hibernate in the first place.

We’ve written before about how helpful it can be to pile your dead leaves into a leaf bay or heap rather than removing them entirely (this helps to provide insects and shelter for hedgehogs and other beasts).

We’ve also shared how meat-based cat and dog foods can nourish hedgehogs when left out in your garden ― but without a hedgehog hole to access these, your efforts might be futile.

How can I create a hedgehog highway?

Cutting a small hole in your fence panel with a coping saw, and digging under your pence, removing bricks from walls all work, the RSPCA says. “Hedgehogs can travel through gaps as small as 13x13cm, so these gaps don’t need to be large,” they add.

Of course, you’ll want to get your neighbour’s permission before creating the hole ― especially if you want to create a multi-garden hedgehog highway all down your street with the help of your neighbours.

“Keep an eye out for neighbours doing work on their gardens, or using fencing contractors ― this is the perfect opportunity to get a hedgehog hole put in,” The Wildlife Trust suggests.

The Wildlife Trust’s Hedgehog Street programme encourages people to link their gardens to create a hazard-free, insect-rich pathway. You can go to their go to the national network at Hedgehog Street to record your own hedgehog hole.

Right, I’m off to dig a hole…

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This Baby Beaver Spotted On Exmoor Is Sure To Cheer Your Day

Camera footage has captured shots of the first baby beaver to be born on Exmoor for 400 years.

The youngster, known as a kit, was caught on film at the Holnicote Estate in Somerset, where beavers were introduced to an enclosure in January 2020.

Once-native to Britain but more better known for their fictional portrayal in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, the semi-aquatic mammals are finally making a return to the wild after being hunted to extinction for their fur, glands and meat in the 16th century.

Beavers are often referred to as “nature’s engineers” for their restoration of wetland habitats through dam-building and felling trees. This process slows, stores and filters water in the landscape, which attracts other wildlife and reduces flooding downstream.

They have transformed the 2.7 hectare enclosure where they were released at Holnicote from unmanaged woodland to a more open wetland in just 18 months, according to the National Trust, which owns the estate.

Now footage shows the beavers have successfully bred. Images from a static camera reveal a six-week-old kit swimming with its mother back to the family lodge while she stops to nibble a branch.

Camera footage has captured shots of the first baby beaver to be born on Exmoor for 400 years.

Camera footage has captured shots of the first baby beaver to be born on Exmoor for 400 years.

“We first had an inkling that our pair of beavers had mated successfully when the male started being a lot more active building and dragging wood and vegetation around the site in late spring,” said Jack Siviter, one of the rangers on the Holnicote estate.

“The female also changed her usual habits, and stayed out of sight, leaving the male to work alone. It was then several weeks until we spotted her again, and this is when our suspicions were confirmed that she had given birth, due to having very visible teats.”

He added: “We are particularly pleased for our female, nicknamed Grylls due to her survival instincts, as she didn’t have the easiest start to life, being orphaned at an early age. As a first-time mum she seems to be thriving and it’s great to see her with her new kit.”

The family should now stay together for the next two years before the kit will want to go off to create a territory of its own – when it will be relocated into another enclosure or a wild release site if regulations permit in the near future.

A number of organisations and landowners across England are introducing beavers to enclosed sites to help boost nature and reduce flooding, and they are now also found wild on several rivers in England and Scotland.

Conservationists back the return of beavers to restore wetland habitats, boost other wildlife, curb flooding, improve water quality and support eco-tourism – though landowners raise concerns about the impact locally. A consultation on the approach to beavers in England is expected to take place this summer.

The two beavers at Holnicote are the first to be introduced on National Trust land in the charity’s 125-year history, with another pair released into a large enclosure in the South Downs.

The National Trust said they had transformed the habitat on the Exmoor estate, building a dam network from trees, mud, stones and vegetation which has created ponds and new channels, and felling some trees, which has allowed more light to the woodland floor.

This wet woodland habitat is now attracting wildlife from bats to dragonflies, kingfishers and sparrowhawks. Ben Eardley, project manager for the National Trust at Holnicote, said: “The beavers are doing a lot of what we want to see in terms of conservation and land management.

“They are letting the light and the water into the site, helping natural processes and providing opportunities for a host of other wildlife.”

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