George Santos Pleads Not Guilty To 13 Federal Charges

George Santos, the New York Republican who became the subject of ridicule for the extent to which he lied about his background, appeared in federal court Wednesday to be arraigned on 13 counts after turning himself into authorities earlier in the day.

He pleaded not guilty, multiple outlets reported.

Santos, 34, was elected in November to represent portions of Long Island and Queens, but in the weeks and months afterward, a number of reports showed he was not exactly the wealthy young businessman he claimed to be. While he admitted in December certain details — that he attended two top colleges and worked at prestigious Wall Street firms — were false, he denied and even defended others while refusing calls to resign.

Santos entered the Long Island courtroom with a scowl, a New York Times reporter observed.

His lawyer, Joseph Murray, said that Santos plans to continue campaigning for reelection and asked that he be free to travel to do so, according to The Associated Press. He surrendered his passport and was released on a $500,000 bond.

Outside the courthouse, Santos asserted that he had “plenty of evidence” that would supposedly clear his name.

“The reality is, it’s a witch hunt,” Santos told a crowd of reporters angling for a comment. “Because it makes no sense that [after] four months, five months — I’m indicted.”

“I will not resign,” he said.

The charges against Santos span both his personal and public life.

Federal prosecutors allege that Santos pocketed $25,000 in donations to his campaign beginning in 2022, spending the money on luxury clothes, car payments and his credit cards instead of legitimate things like political ads. In 2020, Santos allegedly received pandemic-related unemployment benefits totaling more than $24,000 from the state of New York while earning a $120,000 salary from a company in Florida.

Prosecutors also say he lied when filling out financial disclosure forms needed to run for Congress ― both in his unsuccessful 2020 campaign and his successful 2022 campaign. Santos allegedly overstated his income and assets in the 2022 filing to the tune of millions.

The case against him is a product of the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section and local agencies.

Authorities at the federal and local level promised to investigate Santos late last year amid public outcry over the new congressman’s apparent penchant for spinning yarns.

The list of Santos’ claims has become unwieldily and, in many instances, bizarre. He has said that he is Jewish (later amended to “Jew-ish”), that his mother was in the twin towers on 9/11, that several of his employees died in the mass shooting at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, and that he survived a brain tumor — among many other tales.

A former roommate, Gustavo Ribeiro Trelha, alleged in a sworn statement earlier this year that Santos was the ringleader of a credit card scheme in 2017 that led to Trelha serving jail time before being deported back to Brazil. (Santos denies the accusation.) The scheme is not mentioned in the federal indictment, but Politico reported in March that the case remains open.

In yet another instance of alleged fraud, Santos reportedly agreed to a deal with Brazilian prosecutors who say he wrote fraudulent checks in 2008. Part of the deal included a formal admission that Santos did the crime and would pay damages to the elderly man whose checkbook was taken, according to CNN.

In the US, however, Santos has denied that he is lawbreaker.

“I am not a criminal here — not here or in Brazil or any jurisdiction in the world. Absolutely not. That didn’t happen,” he told The New York Post in December.

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5 Key Moments From Donald Trump’s Bonkers Deposition Video

Around 45 minutes of video deposition given by former President Donald Trump was released to the public on Friday as the civil trial brought by writer E Jean Carroll began winding down in a New York federal court.

Carroll says that Trump trapped her in a dressing room and raped her at the luxury Manhattan department store Bergdorf Goodman in the 1990s after a chance encounter. She was able to sue for battery in addition to defamation under a recent state law that gave sexual assault victims a one-time chance to bring lawsuits in spite of any relevant statutes of limitations.

Although Carroll does not recall the precise date of the alleged assault, not having filed a police report out of concern for the negative attention it would bring, she has been able to narrow the timeframe to late 1995 or early 1996.

Her lawyers rested her case on Thursday. Along with the advice columnist herself, they called to the stand friends whom she says she confided in, and other women who say Trump sexually assaulted them.

Trump’s side is not expected to call any witnesses — nor has the former president appeared in court — but US District Judge Lewis Kaplan is giving him until Sunday in case he changes his mind. Trump has consistently denied the allegations and dismissed Carroll as a political operative.

Written excerpts of his deposition have already been made public in the course of the lawsuit, but the video had not been seen outside of the courtroom until several news outlets successfully petitioned for its release.

It is certainly something. Watch below, and read on for key takeaways.

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Trump confused Carroll for second wife Marla Maples in a party photograph.

One of Trump’s main defenses has been saying that he would not have raped Carroll because she was not his “type”. He doubled down on the argument in his deposition.

“The only difference between me and other people is I’m honest,” he told Carroll’s attorney Roberta Kaplan.

Trump was then shown a black-and-white photograph from a late 1980s event showing himself and Maples speaking with Carroll and her then-husband John Johnson, an NBC news anchor. He confused the two women.

“The person you just pointed to is Carroll,” Kaplan told him, pointing out Maples nearby.

She asked: “I take it the three women you’ve married are all your type.”

“Yeah,” Trump replied.

Trump defended his infamous “grab ’em by the pussy” comments.

Kaplan played the 2004 Access Hollywood tape for Trump where he infamously says, “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

“Well, historically, that’s true with stars,” Trump told Kaplan afterward.

“It’s true with stars that they can grab women by the pussy?” she asked.

“Well, that’s — if you look over the last million years, I guess that’s been largely true. Not always, but largely true,” Trump said.

“Unfortunately or fortunately,” he added.

He claimed he could not remember whether he dated Maples while still married to first wife, Ivana.

Kaplan asked Trump to affirm that he dated women outside of his marriages and official relationships, given that part of Carroll’s story is that Trump told her he was at the store to pick out a gift for an unspecified female friend.

Kaplan asked if he saw Maples while still married to his first wife, Ivana Trump.

“It could be a lapover, but I don’t really know,” Trump said.

His failing marriage and relationship with Maples was thoroughly chronicled in tabloids at the time; a 1990 feature in Vanity Fair reported that Trump had “moved [Maples] onto his luxe yacht” in the summer of 1989. Trump’s divorce from Ivana was finalized in 1991.

He told Carroll’s lawyer that she was not his type, either.

Trump appeared to grow frustrated with Kaplan as she pressed him with questions about some of the other women who have accused him of sexual assault.

He responded with comments on the women’s appearances before shifting focus to the woman in front of him.

“You wouldn’t be a choice of mine either, to be honest with you. I hope you’re not insulted,” Trump told Kaplan. “I would not under any circumstances have any interest in you. I’m honest when I say it.”

And suggested that Carroll enjoyed being sexually assaulted.

Trump brought up an interview Carroll gave to CNN’s Anderson Cooper in 2019, shortly after coming forward with her rape accusation. At one point, she argued that people tend to think of rape “as being sexy” due to sexual “fantasies”, but said that her experience was simply very painful.

“She actually indicated that she loved it,” Trump told Kaplan. “In fact, I think she said it was sexy, didn’t she?”

Kaplan replied, “Sir, I just want to confirm: It’s your testimony that E. Jean Carroll said that she loved being sexually assaulted by you?”

“Well, based on her interview with Anderson Cooper, I believe that’s what took place … I think she said that rape is sexy, which it’s not, by the way,” Trump said.

Asked whether he knew Carroll had been speaking about other people’s views, Trump told Kaplan she would have to watch the interview to see for herself.

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