Steven Bartlett sharing harmful health misinformation in Diary of CEO podcast

Disproven health claims are accepted with little challenge by host on number one podcast, BBC investigation finds.

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Jiggling thighs and hair twiddling among triggers for those who hate fidgeting

Why hair twiddling, pen tapping or thigh jiggling can cause rage and distress for some people.

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Scientists collect ‘microbial fingerprints’ found in household plumbing

The plumbing systems in households can teem with generally harmless microbial life, but scientists have not had an opportunity to fully document the bacterial communities within people’s homes.

The Safe Drinking Water Act requires monitoring by public water utilities, but those samples are taken outside property lines of individual households. Once inside a home, microbial communities can change and evolve in ways that are generally not monitored or even understood.

Fangqiong Ling, an assistant professor of energy, environmental and chemical engineering in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, is working to change that, along with her colleagues and students within the school’s cluster of water quality researchers.

For a paper published Dec. 10 in Nature Water, Ling and colleagues shared results from sampling the bathroom faucets of eight households in the St. Louis metro area. They sampled the homes for seven days to see the flow and change of different bacteria populations. They found that, though houses generally shared major categories of bacteria, down to the species level, there was wide variation from house to house.

“The houses have their own unique signature compared to the rest,” Ling said.

All public tap water is subject to stringent treatment and disinfectants, so the number of microbial cells they detected was very small — another challenge for monitoring.

But the survivors they find are tough. The researchers anticipated seeing antibiotic resistance genes in tap water microbiomes, and they did find that pattern.

Using the same common disinfectant means that a recognizable group of microbes can potentially pick up resistance to that disinfectant. The researchers found a pattern of that “resistome” across households. But what accounts for the huge variety in species?

Computer modeling suggests that microbes initially establish their communities through both deterministic and stochastic processes, meaning random events, which could account for why there is huge variation at the species level, household to household.

For household water, these processes could involve the random timing for microbes’ arrival at the house, their growth dynamics and a variety of factors that aren’t yet understood.

The research aims to be able to monitor, anticipate and prevent outbreaks of opportunistic pathogens and bacteria that spread disease. This kind of monitoring is under development for large buildings and institutions such as hospitals, but it’s scarce for individual households.

“Houses are still the place where the majority of our interactions with water take place, so we want to study households,” Ling said.

While researchers found illness-causing pathogens or bacteria (in small quantities) in houses, it doesn’t necessarily mean that household water is unsafe — but public health regulators should keep a closer watch, she said.

Ling’s PhD student Lin Zhang, lead author on the Nature Water paper, has set up a way to crowd-source the sampling by recruiting high school students to serve as “community scientists.” Those students collected samples from about 100 households in the St. Louis metro area, data Zhang is analyzing for her final PhD project.

While plumbing-associated bacteria are generally harmless, the resistance genes they carry can be transferred to pathogens when individuals are undergoing antibiotic treatments. Because people have frequent contact with these bacteria through activities like showering and using water, there is a strong incentive to better understand the microbiome and “resistome” in plumbing systems, as well as how they interact with humans.

In the meantime, Zhang is gratified that she gets to do research that can have a local benefit and to work with students.

“I like that we were able to give high school students a glimpse into real-world research and the scientific method,” she said. “Hopefully, this might motivate them to pursue a future in environmental engineering.”

Fixing the pipes

This fall, the Environmental Protection Agency instituted a rule that all municipalities that provide water will be required to replace lead pipes within the next decade. With the changeover in infrastructure, there also may be opportunities to improve monitoring beyond metals and institute mitigation measures for microplastics and the microbiome.

It’s all “on tap” for Dan Giammar, the Walter E. Browne Professor of Environmental Engineering, who is heading up a number of projects to monitor and improve drinking water sources over the next few years.

“Aspects of drinking water quality that can change between the treatment plant and the customer’s tap have been frustratingly difficult to monitor,” Giammar said. “This innovative work provides new insights into how microbes grow and what microbes are present in premise plumbing.”

As Ling and Zhang delve into better testing of household plumbing, more questions will likely arise because when it comes to microbial life, nothing is as it seems.

“The more houses we sample, the more diversity we’re seeing,” Ling said. This work was supported by a McKelvey School of Engineering Startup Fund and a Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award by the Oak Ridge Associated Universities to F.L. This research was also partially supported by the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET) of the National Science Foundation under award 2047470 to F.L.

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A dial for tuning the immune system: Discovery sheds light on why COVID makes some sicker than others

For years, scientists have looked to a critical piece of immune system machinery — known as the interferon pathway — for answers. There, when our cells sense an infection, they release a protein known as interferon, which warns other cells to fight the virus.

Studies show that when this signaling goes awry and leads the body to under or overreact, people are more likely to develop severe or Long COVID. Glitches in this pathway have also been implicated in autoimmune diseases and cancer.

But little is known about what, precisely, drives these immunological misfires.

A new CU Boulder study, published Dec. 12 in the journal Cell, sheds light on the subject by identifying what the authors describe as an “immune system tuning dial,” which originated as a bug in the genetic code tens of millions of years ago.

“We’ve discovered that there is an entire class of under-appreciated protein variants that can have an immense impact on our immune function,” said senior author Ed Chuong, an assistant professor in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology and the BioFrontiers Institute.

His lab demonstrated that one particular variant of a protein called IFNAR2 acts like a tuning dial to regulate interferon signaling.

“If we can manipulate this dial to turn the immune system up or down it could have broad therapeutic applications, from infection to autoimmune disorders to cancer.”

How evolution turned a bug into a feature

Chuong studies transposons, bits of DNA that infiltrated primate cells as many as 70 million years ago and now make up more than half of the human genome.

Some transposons, known as endogenous retroviruses, got there via ancient viruses. When reawakened, these genetic parasites can help cancer survive and thrive. Others, like the ones explored in the new paper, emerged from the genome itself, like random bugs popping up in a computer program’s source code.

“If you think of a gene as a sentence, a transposon is like a word that jumps into the sentence, making the instructions for the cell slightly different,” explained first author Giulia Pasquesi, a postdoctoral researcher in Chuong’s lab.

Cells normally suppress these bugs, ensuring only the correct version of the gene is spurred into action, so scientists have long viewed them as inert ‘junk DNA’.

Pasquesi set out to challenge this assumption, looking for gene variants formed by transposons that were actually important for human immune function.

When she analyzed state-of-the-art genetic sequencing data from human tissues and cells, she found 125 instances across 99 genes.

A break in the antenna

Pasquesi and Chuong focused on a variant of interferon receptor 2 (IFNAR2) — a critical protein which acts like a cellular antenna for interferon, turning on other genes that fight off infection and cancer. They found that the new “short” variant could sense interferon, but it was missing parts required to transmit the signal.

Surprisingly, it was present in all cells, and often more abundant than the normal protein suggesting it played an important role in immunity.

They followed up with laboratory studies using cells with different combinations of the two IFNAR2 varieties. They exposed them to immune challenges, including viral infections, finding that the short variant acted as a “decoy” that interferes with normal IFNAR2 signaling. When they removed the short variant from the genome, cells became much more sensitive to interferon, with stronger immune responses against viruses including SARS-CoV-2 and dengue virus.

The findings suggest that the balance between IFNAR2 variants acts as a “tuning dial” for controlling the strength of immune signaling, and this can vary from person to person. Individuals who express abnormally high levels of the variant might be more susceptible to severe infections, while people expressing low levels may have chronic inflammation, autoimmune issues like psoriasis or irritable bowel syndrome, or Long COVID.

“Different individuals are well known to exhibit differences in their immune responses, but the reasons why are still poorly understood. We’ve uncovered a new control dial that could be behind some of this variation,” said Chuong.

The team has filed for a provisional patent and begun developing and testing compounds to therapeutically target the dial.

Bigger picture, they believe that the story of IFNAR2 is the tip of the iceberg, and many other immune functions may be regulated by these long-ignored genomic hitchhikers.

“Our findings suggest that looking into the dark corners of the genome is key to making new discoveries to improve human health,” said Chuong.

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Superflares once per century

Stars similar to the Sun produce a gigantic outburst of radiation on average about once every hundred years per star. Such superflares release more energy than a trillion hydrogen bombs and make all previously recorded solar flares pale in comparison. This estimate is based on an inventory of 56450 sun-like stars, which an international team of researchers led by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany presents on Friday, December 13th, 2024, in the journal Science. It shows that previous studies have significantly underestimated the eruptive potential of these stars. In data from NASA’s space telescope Kepler, superflaring, sun-like stars can be found ten to a hundred times more frequently than previously assumed. The Sun, too, is likely capable of similarly violent eruptions.

There is no question that the Sun is a temperamental star, as alone this year’s unusually strong solar storms prove. Some of them led to remarkable auroras even at low latitudes. But can our star become even more furious? Evidence of the most violent solar “tantrums” can be found in prehistoric tree trunks and in samples of millennia-old glacial ice. However, from these indirect sources, the frequency of superflares cannot be determined. And direct measurements of the amount of radiation reaching the Earth from the Sun have only been available since the beginning of the space age.

Another way to learn about our Sun’s long-term behavior is to turn to the stars, as is the approach of the new study. Modern space telescopes observe thousands and thousands of stars and record their brightness fluctuations in visible light. Superflares, which release amounts of energy of more than one octillion joules within a short period of time, show themselves in the observational data as short, pronounced peaks in brightness. “We cannot observe the Sun over thousands of years,” Prof. Dr. Sami Solanki, Director at the MPS and coauthor, explained the basic idea behind the investigation. “Instead, however, we can monitor the behavior of thousands of stars very similar to the Sun over short periods of time. This helps us to estimate how frequently superflares occur,” he adds.

Looking for close relatives of the Sun

In the current study, the team including researchers from the University of Graz (Austria), the University of Oulu (Finland), the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, the University of Colorado Boulder (USA) and the Commissariat of Atomic and Alternative Energies of Paris-Saclay and the University of Paris-Cité, analyzed the data from 56450 sun-like stars as seen by NASA’s space telescope Kepler between 2009 and 2013. “In their entirety, the Kepler data provide us with evidence of 220000 years of stellar activity,” said Prof. Dr. Alexander Shapiro from the University of Graz.

Crucial for the study was the careful selection of the stars to be taken into account. After all, the chosen stars should be particularly close “relatives” of the Sun. The scientists therefore only admitted stars whose surface temperature and brightness were similar to the Sun’s. The researchers also ruled out numerous sources of error, such as cosmic radiation, passing asteroids or comets, as well as non-sun-like stars that in Kepler images may by chance flare up in the vicinity of a sun-like star. To do this, the team carefully analyzed the images of each potential superflare — only a few pixels in size — and only counted those events that could reliably be assigned to one of the selected stars.

In this way, the researchers identified 2889 superflares on 2527 of the 56450 observed stars. This means that on average, one sun-like star produces a superflare approximately once per century.

“High performance dynamo computations of these solar-type stars easily explain the magnetic origins of the intense release of energy during such superflares,” said coauthor Dr. Allan Sacha Brun of the Commissariat of Atomic and Alternative Energies of Paris-Saclay and the University of Paris-Cité.

Surprisingly frequent

“We were very surprised that sun-like stars are prone to such frequent superflares,” said first author Dr. Valeriy Vasilyev from the MPS. Earlier surveys by other research groups had found average intervals of a thousand or even ten thousand years. However, earlier studies were unable to determine the exact source of the observed flare and therefore had to limit themselves to stars that did not have any too close neighbors in the telescope images. The current study is the most precise and sensitive to date.

Longer average time intervals between extreme solar events have also been suggested by studies looking for evidence of violent solar storms impacting Earth. When a particularly high flux of energetic particles from the Sun reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, they produce a detectable amount of radioactive atoms such as the radioactive carbon isotope 14C. These atoms are then deposited in natural archives such as tree rings and glacial ice. Even thousands of years later, the sudden influx of high-energy solar particles can thus be deduced by measuring the amount of 14C using modern technologies.

In this way, researchers were able to identify five extreme solar particle events and three candidates within the past twelve thousand years of the Holocene, leading to an average occurrence rate of once per 1500 years. The most violent is believed to have occurred in the year 775 AD. However, it is quite possible that more such violent particle events and also more superflares occurred on the Sun in the past. “It is unclear whether gigantic flares are always accompanied by coronal mass ejections and what is the relationship between superflares and extreme solar particle events. This requires further investigation,” co-author Prof. Dr. Ilya Usoskin from the University of Oulu in Finland pointed out. Looking at the terrestrial evidence of past extreme solar events could therefore underestimate the frequency of superflares.

Forecasting dangerous space weather

The new study does not reveal when the Sun will throw its next fit. However, the results urge caution. “The new data are a stark reminder that even the most extreme solar events are part of the Sun’s natural repertoire,” said coauthor Dr. Natalie Krivova from the MPS. During the Carrington event of 1859, one of the most violent solar storms of the past 200 years, the telegraph network collapsed in large parts of northern Europe and North America. According to estimates, the associated flare released only a hundredth of the energy of a superflare. Today, in addition to the infrastructure on the Earth’s surface, especially satellites would be at risk.

The most important preparation for strong solar storms is therefore reliable and timely forecasting. As a precaution, satellites, for example, could be switched off. From 2031, ESA’s space probe Vigil will help in the endeavor of forecasting. From its observation position in space, it will look at the Sun from the side and notice sooner than Earth-bound probes when processes that might drive dangerous space weather are brewing up on our star. The MPS is currently developing the Polarimetric and Magnetic Imager for this mission.

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First final compensation in blood scandal due in days

Ten people have been offered a settlement worth over £13m in total.

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Hospitals hit by ‘tidal wave’ of winter viruses

NHS England say sharp rise in flu cases is causing real concern.

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Bowel-cancer rates rising among younger people

Poor diet, obesity, alcohol and smoking may be among the risk factors involved, researchers say.

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Early-onset colorectal cancer cases surge globally

A new study led by American Cancer Society (ACS) researchers shows that early-onset colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence rates are rising in 27 of 50 countries/territories worldwide, 20 of which have either exclusive or faster increases for early-onset disease. In 14 countries, including the United States, rates are increasing in young adults while stabilizing in those 50 years and older. The research is published today in the journal The Lancet Oncology.

“The increase in early-onset colorectal cancer is a global phenomenon,” said Dr. Hyuna Sung, senior principal scientist, cancer surveillance research at the American Cancer Society and lead author of the study. “Previous studies have shown this rise in predominately high-income Western countries, but now, it is documented in various economies and regions worldwide.”

The primary study objective was to examine contemporary CRC incidence trends in young versus older adults using data through 2017 from 50 countries/territories. Data were compiled using the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents Plus and trends were examined for age-standardized incidence rates of CRC ranging from 1943-2017. Temporal trends were visualized and quantified by age at diagnosis (25-49 years and 50-74 years). Average annual percentage changes (AAPC) were estimated for the last 10 years of data.

During the past decade, incidence rates of early-onset CRC (25-49 years) were stable in 23 countries, but increased in 27 countries, with the greatest annual increases in New Zealand (4.0%), Chile (4.0%) and Puerto Rico (3.8%). Fourteen of the 27 countries/territories showed either stable (Puerto Rico, Argentina, Norway, France, Ireland) or decreasing rates (Israel, Canada, the USA, England, Germany, Scotland, Slovenia, Australia, and New Zealand) in older adults. The rise in early-onset CRC was faster among men than women in Chile, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Ecuador, Thailand, Sweden, Israel, and Croatia, while young women experienced faster increases in England, Norway, Australia, Türkiye, Costa Rica, and Scotland. For the remaining 13 countries with increasing trends in both age groups, the annual percentage increase in young compared to older adults was larger in Chile, Japan, Sweden, the Netherlands, Croatia, and Finland, smaller in Thailand, Martinique, Denmark, Costa Rica, and similar in Türkiye, Ecuador, and Belarus. For the last five years, the incidence rate of early-onset CRC was highest in Australia, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, the U.S., and the Republic of Korea (14 to 17 per 100,000) and lowest in Uganda and India (4 per 100,000).

“The global scope of this concerning trend highlights the need for innovative tools to prevent and control cancers linked to dietary habits, physical inactivity, and excess body weight. Ongoing efforts are essential to identify the additional factors behind these trends and to develop effective prevention strategies tailored to younger generations and local resources worldwide,” added Sung. “Raising awareness of the trend and the distinct symptoms of early-onset colorectal cancer (e.g., rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, altered bowel habits, and unexplained weight loss) among young people and primary care providers can help reduce delays in diagnosis and decrease mortality.”

“This flagship study reveals that increasing rates of early onset bowel cancer, affecting adults aged 25-49, is a global issue. Concerningly, this research has revealed for the first time ever that rates are rising more sharply in England than in many other countries around the world,” said Michelle Mitchell, chief executive of Cancer Research UK.”A cancer diagnosis at any age has a huge impact on patients and their families — so while it’s important to note that rates in younger adults are still very low compared to people over 50, we need to understand what’s causing this trend in younger people. More research is needed — like team PROSPECT, a global Cancer Grand Challenges team who has been awarded £20m to uncover the causes of bowel cancer in younger adults, and strategies to prevent it.”

Other ACS researchers contributing to the study include Rebecca Siegel, Chenxi Jiang, and senior author Dr. Ahmedin Jemal. Yin Cao, an associate professor of surgery and of medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and a research member of Siteman Cancer Center, based at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University Medicine, is a contributing author.

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A new galaxy, much like our own

Stunning new photographs by a Wellesley College-led team of astronomers have revealed a newly forming galaxy that looks remarkably similar to a young Milky Way.

The extraordinary images — taken with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope — show a galaxy that glitters with 10 distinct star clusters that formed at different times, much like our own Milky Way.

Cocooned in a diffuse arc, and resembling fireflies “dancing” on a summer night, the newly discovered galaxy — which the Wellesley team have dubbed the “Firefly Sparkle” — was taking shape around 600 million years after the Big Bang, around the same time that our own galaxy was beginning to take shape.

Wellesley College astronomer Lamiya Mowla is co-lead author of the paper, which was published Wednesday, Dec. 11, in Nature.

Mowla says the discovery is particularly important because the mass of the Firefly Sparkle is similar to what the Milky Way’s mass might have been at the same stage of development. (Other galaxies Webb has detected from this time period are significantly more massive.)

“These remarkable images give us an unprecedented picture of what our own galaxy might have looked like when it was being born,” Mowla says. “By examining these photos of the Firefly Sparkle, we can better understand how our own Milky Way took shape.”

Glimpses of a young galaxy forming in a way so similar to our own are unparalleled, Mowla says. The JWST images show a Milky Way-like galaxy in the early stages of its assembly in a universe that’s only 600 million years old.

“As an observational astronomer studying the structural evolution of astronomical objects in the early Universe, I want to understand how the first stars, star clusters, galaxies, and galaxy clusters formed in the infant Universe and how they changed as the Universe got older,” Mowla notes. Of the Firefly Sparkle, she says, “”I didn’t think it would be possible to resolve a galaxy that existed so early in the universe into so many distinct components, let alone find that its mass is similar to our own galaxy’s when it was in the process of forming.

“There is so much going on inside this tiny galaxy, including so many different phases of star formation,” Mowla told NASA. “These images are the very first glimpse of something that we’ll be able to study — and learn from — for many years to come.”

Mowla, who co-led the project with Kartheik Iyer, a NASA Hubble Fellow at Columbia University in New York, is an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Wellesley, and a 2013 graduate of the college.

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