Line Of Duty Fans Want ‘Justice For Chloe’ After Divisive Finale Episode

Mother of god – be warned that this article contains Line Of Duty spoilers of the highest order.

While the Line Of Duty finale may have got something of a mixed reaction online, one thing fans can agree on is that there’s an unsung hero of AC-12 who isn’t getting the praise she deserves.

We are, of course, talking about DC Chloe Bishop.

After series six of the BBC police drama concluded on Sunday night, fans pointed out that in the short time she’s been at AC-12, Chloe succeeded in cracking a case the force had been working on for the past few series.

BBC/World Productions/Steffan Hill

Shalom Brune-Franklin plays DC Chloe Bishop in Line Of Duty

Many also highlighted the fact that Shalom Brune-Franklin’s character didn’t even get an invite to the pub after all her hard work, with some even sharing the hashtag #JusticeForChloe after watching the episode…

Shalom Brune-Franklin was one of Line Of Duty’s new additions when the sixth series finally returned to our screens earlier this year.

Before joining the AC-12 gang, Shalom could be seen in the military drama Our Girl and made a brief appearance in the Marvel film Thor: Ragnarok.

One of the most controversial aspects of the Line Of Duty finale was the revelation that DSU Ian Buckells was the “fourth man” behind “H” all along.

Steffan Hill/BBC/World Productions

Nigel Boyle has played Buckells in three series of Line Of Duty

Addressing fans’ disappointment the morning after the episode aired, actor Nigel Boyle said: “There’s always going to be some element of disappointment. You can’t have every series with a big shoot out and ‘urgent exit required’. Sometimes a subtler message is more important.”

He added: “If your expectations are somewhere, you’re setting yourself up sometimes for disappointment.

“That’s not to say that all the fans are doing that – [but] everyone’s got their own ideas and theories about how something’s going to pan out, and if everyone does that then someone’s not going to be happy somewhere along the line.” 

All six series of Line Of Duty are now available to stream on the BBC iPlayer.

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Line Of Duty’s Shalom Brune-Franklin Reveals How She Auditioned Without Knowing What She Was Trying Out For

Line Of Duty star Shalom Brune-Franklin has revealed how she had no idea what show she was auditioning for when she first tried out for the BBC cop drama. 

The actor, who plays AC-12 newcomer DC Chloe Bishop, admitted she “freaked out” after turning up at the audition and seeing a script that revealed the show she would be reading for. 

In an interview with The Times (£), Shalom explained: “Things have working titles so you don’t always know what they are and the script said LOD6.

BBC/World Productions/Steffan Hill

Shalom Brune-Franklin plays DC Chloe Bishop in Line Of Duty

“When I opened it, the first line Chloe had was an AC-12 interview. I was absolutely freaking out. There was so much to learn.”

Shalom revealed she first auditioned for the part of DC Bishop at the start of February 2020, and there was around a week before she got the job, with filming starting shortly afterwards. 

Of joining the established cast, she said: “I turned up to the read-through and there were all these mega British actors that I’ve loved and adored for so long.

“Adrian [Dunbar, aka Superintendent Hastings] is hilarious. Vicky [McClure, DI Fleming] is amazing and very funny. Martin [Compston, DI Arnott] was my rock — he would say, ‘Don’t worry, we’ve got the whole day to film this, and if you mess up we’ll go back to the beginning and start again. But you’ll be fine.’

“I honestly could not speak more highly of them all.”

BBC/World Productions

Shalom in action in the hit BBC show

During the interview, Shalom described her character as “a good egg”, appearing to shoot down fan theories Bishop might be corrupt. 

Asked if there is more to her, Shalom replied with a laugh: “I don’t know.” 

BBC/World Productions/Steffan Hill

Shalom with co-stars Martin Compston and Adrian Dunbar 

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