Phillip Schofield’s Dyslexia Jibe During Matt Hancock Interview Sparks Hundreds Of Ofcom Complaints

Last week, Phil and his regular co-host Holly Willoughby interviewed the former health secretary about his campaign calling for children to be screened for dyslexia – a condition Hancock was diagnosed with during his time at university – before they start secondary school.

During the interview, the presenter couldn’t resist a dig at the scandal Hancock found himself in over the summer, commenting: “Was it your dyslexia that meant you misread the social distancing rules?”

It’s since been reported by Metro that a total of 626 people complained to media watchdog Ofcom about the remark.

As is standard procedure, Ofcom will assess these complaints before deciding whether to launch an investigation.

ITV had no comment on the matter when contacted by HuffPost UK last week.

Matt Hancock resigned from his position as health secretary in June, after photos of him kissing his aide were published in the media.

“And those of us who make these rules have got to stick by them, and that’s why I’ve got to resign.”

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