Sarah Paulson Recalls ‘Awkward’ Encounter With Matthew Perry After Carrie Fisher’s Invite To Wild Party

What do you get if you mix Sarah Paulson, Matthew Perry and an invite from Carrie Fisher to a “make out party”? The answer is this somewhat unexpected celebrity anecdote.  

The American Horror Story star made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s US chat show on Monday, when she recalled what happened when she “hit it off” with the late Star Wars legend, after meeting on a night out in the early days of her career. 

After deciding to leave the gathering they were at, they were in their cars when Carrie “rolled down her window and shouted out, ‘Hey, do you want to come to a party?’”

Taylor Hill via Getty Images

Sarah Paulson

Excitedly accepting the invitation, Sarah later ended up attending what Carrie described as “Gore Vidal’s make out party”, who Jimmy explained was a writer who threw “interesting parties”.

“I didn’t see anyone make out,” Sarah said. “But there was a hat with names in it and you were supposed to make out with whomever you pulled out of the hat.”

Revealing an encounter with a certain Friends star, Sarah continued: “Matthew Perry pulled my name out of the hat… and then promptly left the room.

“I was like, ‘Uh, well let’s kiss!’ and he was like, ‘No,’” she said. 

“We knew each other a little bit through one of my very best friends and it was awkward.”

Cindy Ord via Getty Images

Matthew Perry 

And while they didn’t end up making out at the time, they did lock lips years later when they worked together on Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip

“We ended up playing romantic partners,” she said. “And then I got my kiss. I got several kisses. And boy, did he regret not taking me up on that at Gore Vidal’s make out party.”

Paul Archuleta via Getty Images

Carrie Fisher

Sarah played Harriet Hayes in the US comedy drama, who was the ex-girlfriend of Matthew’s character Matt Albie.

Studio 60 ran for one series from 2006 to 2007, before it was cancelled by NBC. 

Watch Sarah’s interview with Jimmy Kimmel below…

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