The ‘Loud Budgeting’ Hack That’s Actually Helping People Save Money

If, like me, you struggle to stick to budgeting plans because you simply cannot turn down going out with friends, you might want to consider ‘loud budgeting’.

Yes, instead of quietly trying to stick to budgeting goals and making excuses for not socialising as much, loud budgeting is all about being honest about your financial plans and your need to stick to them.

HuffPost UK spoke with financial expert Adrian Murphy, CEO of Murphy Wealth to learn more about loud budgeting and how we can implement it in our everyday lives.

What loud budgeting is, and how to do it

Murphy explained: ” A big part of embarking on your savings journey is accountability. When you are thinking about your long term goals and objectives, it helps if there’s someone who keeps you accountable to your life plan – perhaps a partner or family member.

“If you don’t have that, there’s not someone to give you a nudge and you are relying on your own personal motivation – which is harder!”

This is where this budgeting trend comes in. Murphy said that if your intention is to save is out there, you’re more likely to stick to it.

However, Murphy admits that for some people, loud budgeting may be extreme and said for them: “A better way to look at it could be to find friends who will help you be accountable.

“You’ve already made a conscious choice not to spend or go out, so perhaps you should look at your reasons why? If you’re regularly defending your right to not spend in your social circles, it might be worth looking at your circle of friends. It might suggest you don’t have a supportive network.”

That being said, don’t feel that you need to stop socialising entirely.

Murphy urged: “With money there’s always a balance to be had. Money spent on socialising and experiences is important for mental health and wellness.

“We’re social animals, and not everything can be about tomorrow. Saving is important, but not if you’re watching the world go by to do so.”

How do you know if loud budgeting is right for you?

So, how do you know if it’s right for you?

Murphy answered: ”‘Loud budgeting’ highlights a cross generational issue. Money and relationships are, by far, the two most difficult topics to talk about. Everything in your life somehow tracks back to money and it can be such an emotive topic, one where tough decisions need to be made.

“We should encourage better conversations about money, especially if it can stop you making detrimental decisions. If saying ‘no, I’m not going for a coffee because my savings need to be prioritised’ helps you save and talk about money, I don’t see a problem.”

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Earn Money On Social Media? The HMRC Has Some Important News For You

The role of a full-time content creator is becoming increasingly popular with 19% of 18-26 year olds saying they hope to make a living from creating for social media apps instead of going into medicine or becoming teachers, according to research from Just Entrepreneurs.

However, perhaps due to the casual nature of social media, research from Quirky Digital has found that almost a quarter of those earning money from social media haven’t been declaring their earnings to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

Which earnings need to be declared to HMRC?

The HMRC states that if you have earned any money that you need to pay tax on and haven’t yet declared it, getting in touch with them sooner rather than later means your case will be reviewed more favourably.

If you have already paid tax on earnings, through wages, for example, you don’t need to take further action. However, if you own a rental property, have capital gains or earn money from working for yourself be it creating monetised social media content or even car boot sales, you need to register as self-employed and declare that income.

Not declaring income is considered tax evasion and is punishable by heavy crimes or even imprisonment so if you have earned some extra pennies and haven’t yet told HMRC, there’s no time like the present!

Which taxes do content creators need to pay?

According to the money experts at Blackbullion, if your gross income is more than £1000, you must register with HMRC and complete a self-assessment tax return or, put simply, if you earn more than £83 a month outside of your full-time job you need to complete a tax return.

Blackbullion adds that if you generate a profit of over £6,000 selling second-hand items, you may also owe capital gains tax.

The next self-assessment deadline is January 31st, 2024.

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